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دَبائی ہُوئی چِیز کو نِکالنے کا عَمَل جیسے مردہ : Dabai Hui Cheez Ko Nikaalnay Ka Amal Jesay Murda Meaning in English

Dabai Hui Cheez Ko Nikaalnay Ka Amal Jesay Murda in Detail

1) قبر کہود کر نکالنے کا عمل دبائی ہوئی چیز کو نکالنے کا عمل جیسے مردہ : Digging Up Disinterment Exhumation : (noun) the act of digging something out of the ground (especially a corpse) where it has been buried.


Useful Words

کام : Act : something that people do or cause to happen. "Whose act is this?".

مدفون : Buried : placed in a grave. "The hastily buried corpses".

لاش : Cadaver : the dead body of a human being. "The cadaver was intended for dissection".

کھدائی : Dig : the act of digging. "There`s an interesting excavation going on near Princeton".

خاص طور پر : Especially : to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common. "He was particularly fussy about spelling".

مضبوط کرنا : Anchor : fix firmly and stably. "Anchor the lamppost in concrete".

یہ : It : Used of a nonhuman entity. "It is out of the question".

دور : Out : away from home. "Get out from there".

کوئی چیز : Something : An undetermined or unspecified thing. "Lets have something".

Dabai Hui Cheez Ko Nikaalnay Ka Amal Jesay MurdaDetailQuiz
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