Deice meaning in Urdu
Deice Synonyms
Deice Definitions
1) Deice, De-Ice, Defrost : غیر منجمد کرنا, کسی چیز سے برف ہٹانا, برف سے ہٹانا : (verb) make or become free of frost or ice.
Useful Words
Frosty : برف سے اٹا , Harmonica : موسیقی کا آلہ جسے پھونک مار کر بجایا جاتا ہے , Aseptic : جراثیم سے پاک , Disengage : آزاد ہونا , Impeccant : بے قصور , Voluntarily : اپنی مرضی سے , Tensionless : بے کھچاو , Free : آزاد , Beg : بھیک مانگنا , Dry-Eyed : روئے بغیر , Freely : آزادانہ طور سے , Buckshee : مفت کے , Bum : مفت خوری کرنا , Unalloyed : خالص , Weedless : جھاڑ سے پاک , Necessitarian : جبر کا قائل , Confined : محدود , Cloudless : صاف مطلع , Delouse : جووٴں کے بغیر , Straightforward : واضع , Disenchant : بدذن ہوجانا , Unconstrained : آزادانہ , Clean : پاکیزہ , Errorless : بے خطا , Abandoned : بے اختیار , Clean : واضح , Platonic : پاکیزہ , Emancipate : غلامی سے آزاد کرنا , Safe And Sound : زخم یا خطرے سے محفوظ , Stainless : غیر ملوث , Disengage : رکاوٹ ہٹانا
Useful Words Definitions
Frosty: covered with frost.
Harmonica: a small rectangular free-reed instrument having a row of free reeds set back in air holes and played by blowing into the desired hole.
Aseptic: free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms.
Disengage: become free.
Impeccant: free from sin.
Voluntarily: out of your own free will.
Tensionless: free from tension.
Free: people who are free.
Beg: ask to obtain free.
Dry-Eyed: free from tears.
Freely: in a free manner.
Buckshee: free of charge.
Bum: ask for and get free; be a parasite.
Unalloyed: free from admixture.
Weedless: free from weeds.
Necessitarian: someone who does not believe the doctrine of free will.
Confined: not free to move about.
Cloudless: free from clouds.
Delouse: free of lice.
Straightforward: free from ambiguity.
Disenchant: free from enchantment.
Unconstrained: free from constraint.
Clean: free from impurities.
Errorless: free from error.
Abandoned: free from constraint.
Clean: free of restrictions or qualifications.
Platonic: free from physical desire.
Emancipate: free from slavery or servitude.
Safe And Sound: free from danger or injury.
Stainless: (of reputation) free from blemishes.
Disengage: free or remove obstruction from.