Khawab DekhnaTaiz KarnaRungtay Khray H...Jazbat BharkanaJazba Paida KarnaBe His Kar DenaHaka Baka Kar DenaDang Kar DenaDheyan DenaKujhla Kujhla K...KujlanaGudgudi KarnaDard Ya Takleef...Jalan HonaDard HonaPani Ki Pyas LagnaBadbu AanaBudarSungh Kar Pohan...Sungna

دھیان دینا : Dheyan Dena Meaning in English

Dheyan Dena Sentences

Dheyan Dena Synonyms


Dheyan Dena in Detail

1 of 4) توجہ دینا دھیان دینا : Heed Listen Mind : (verb) pay close attention to; give heed to.

2 of 4) دھیان دینا : Note Observe Take Note : (verb) observe with care or pay close attention to.

3 of 4) توجہ دینا دھیان دینا : Advert Attend Give Ear Hang Pay Heed : (verb) to listen with care or pay close attention to someone or something, also give heed to someone or something.

4 of 4) دھیان دینا : Mark Note Notice : (verb) notice or perceive.

Useful Words

توجہ : Attending : the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others. "Attention please".

قریب : Close : near in time or place or relationship. "Near here".

دینا : Afford : be the cause or source of. "Who do I give?".

دھیان : Attentiveness : paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people). "His attentiveness to her wishes".

سزا بھگتنا : Pay : bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action. "One slays another pays".

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