Disquietude Disquieting Disquieted Disquiet Disqualify Dispute Disputative Disputatiously Disregard Disregarding Disregardless Disrepair Disreputability Disreputable Disreputableness Disreputably Disrepute Disrespect Disrobe Disrupt

Disregard meaning in Urdu

Disregard Synonyms


Disregard Definitions

1 of 4) Disregard, Neglect : لا پروائی, نظر انداز کرنا : (noun) lack of attention and due care.

2 of 4) Disregard, Cut, Ignore, Snub : نظر انداز کرنا : (verb) refuse to acknowledge.

3 of 4) Disregard, Neglect : اعراض, صرف نظر : (noun) willful lack of care and attention.

Useful Words

Pass Off : نظرانداز کرنا , Cavalier : من مانا , Despite : نفرت , Pretermit : گزر جانا , Flout : توہین کرنا , Breach : خلاف ورزی کرنا , Bare-Knuckle : انڈ شنڈ , Selfishness : مطلب پرستی , Foolhardy : لاپروہ , Condescendingness : تواضع , Negligent : غیر محتاط , Attentive : خیال رکھنے والا , Inattentive : غافل , Untended : جس کی خبر گیری نہ کی گئی ہو , Note : دھیان دینا , Carefully : توجہ سے , Inattention : عدم توجہ , Careful : محتاط , Advert : توجہ دینا , Irresponsible : بے پروا , Unawareness : بے خبری , Indifference : عدم دلچسپی , Careless : لا پروا , Baby : زیادہ لاڈ پیار کرنا , Hepatic Coma : جگر کی بیماری سے ہونے والا کوما , Omission : بھول , Augean : غلیظ , Worldliness : دنیا داری , Tend : دیکھ بھال کرنا , Fuss : ماں کی طرح خیال کرنا , Carelessly : لا پروائی سے

Useful Words Definitions

Pass Off: disregard.

Cavalier: given to haughty disregard of others.

Despite: contemptuous disregard.

Pretermit: disregard intentionally or let pass.

Flout: treat with contemptuous disregard.

Breach: act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises.

Bare-Knuckle: characterized by disorderly action and disregard for rules.

Selfishness: stinginess resulting from a concern for your own welfare and a disregard of others.

Foolhardy: marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences.

Condescendingness: affability to your inferiors and temporary disregard for differences of position or rank.

Negligent: characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern.

Attentive: (often followed by `to') giving care or attention.

Inattentive: not showing due care or attention.

Untended: lacking care and attention.

Note: observe with care or pay close attention to.

Carefully: taking care or paying attention.

Inattention: lack of attention.

Careful: exercising caution or showing care or attention.

Advert: to listen with care or pay close attention to someone or something, also give heed to someone or something.

Irresponsible: showing lack of care for consequences.

Unawareness: unconsciousness resulting from lack of knowledge or attention.

Indifference: the trait of remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern.

Careless: marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful.

Baby: to indulge or treat someone with excessive care and attention, often in a luxurious or indulgent way, to make them feel special or comfortable.

Hepatic Coma: coma that can occur in severe cases of liver disease.

Hepatic coma symptoms : Anxiety or restlessness, cognitive impairment (confusion or poor thinking), balance problems may be seen, poor attention sometimes, asterixis, mood swings, muscle twitches, lack of alertness.

Omission: a mistake resulting from neglect.

Augean: extremely filthy from long neglect.

Worldliness: concern with worldly affairs to the neglect of spiritual needs.

Tend: have care of or look after.

Fuss: care for like a mother.

Carelessly: without care or concern.

Related Words

Mistreatment : بد سلوکی , Cold-Shoulder : کم اہمیت , Reject : مسترد کرنا , Laugh Away : ہنس کر کوئی بات اڑادینا , Do By : برتاو کرنا

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