Distemper meaning in Urdu
Distemper Synonyms
Distemper Definitions
1 of 3) Distemper, Ill Humor, Ill Humour : بدمزاجی : (noun) an angry and disagreeable mood.
2 of 3) Distemper : جانوروں کے امراض : (noun) any of various infectious viral diseases of animals.
3 of 3) Distemper : پانی ملا رنگ : (noun) paint made by mixing the pigments with water and a binder.
Useful Words
Disgruntle : اداس ہونا , Bad Temper : چڑچڑا پن , Ungrateful : پریشان کن , Harsh : ناگوار , Disagreeably : مخالفانہ , Abrasiveness : شدید اختلافی , Stick : پھنس جانا , Cussedness : سرکشی , Abrasive : تلخ , Raise The Roof : غصہ ہونا , Hot Under The Collar : بہت غصہ , Steam : غصہ ہونا , Anger : غصہ ہونا , Ill Nature : بری فطرت , Cacophony : شور , Unpleasant : ناپسندیدہ , Anger : غصہ دلانا , Blow A Fuse : غصے سے بھڑک اٹھنا , Fume : غصے ہونا , Bother : پریشانی , Livid : سیخ پا , Anger : ناراضگی , Acridity : مضحکہ خیز , Dustup : تو تو میں میں , Snarl : غرانا , Cantankerously : بد مزاجی سے , Enrage : غصہ دلانا , Eat Into : غصہ دلانا , Rampage : غصہ , Bristle : سخت ردعمل دینا , Disposition : مزاج
Useful Words Definitions
Disgruntle: put into a bad mood or into bad humour.
Bad Temper: a persisting angry mood.
Ungrateful: disagreeable.
Harsh: disagreeable to the senses.
Disagreeably: in a disagreeable manner.
Abrasiveness: the quality of being sharply disagreeable.
Stick: saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous.
Cussedness: meanspirited disagreeable contrariness.
Abrasive: sharply disagreeable; rigorous.
Raise The Roof: get very angry.
Hot Under The Collar: very angry.
Steam: get very angry.
Anger: become angry.
Ill Nature: a disagreeable, irritable, or malevolent disposition.
Cacophony: loud confusing disagreeable sounds.
Unpleasant: disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings.
Anger: make angry.
Blow A Fuse: get very angry and fly into a rage.
Fume: be mad, angry, or furious.
Bother: an angry disturbance.
Livid: furiously angry.
Anger: the state of being angry.
Acridity: the quality of being sharply disagreeable in language or tone.
Dustup: an angry dispute between two or more people.
Snarl: a vicious angry growl.
Cantankerously: in a bad mood.
Enrage: put into a rage; make violently angry.
Eat Into: gnaw into; make resentful or angry.
Rampage: violently angry and destructive behavior.
Bristle: react in an offended or angry manner.
Disposition: your usual mood.
Related Words
Paint : رنگ , Humor : مزاج , Moodiness : بیزاری , Choler : غصہ