Dormancy Dorm Dork Dopy Doppelzentner Dopey Dope Off Dope Dormant Dormitory Dorsal Dorsally Dorsiflexion Dorsoventrally Dorsum Dory Dosage Dose Dossier Dot

Dormant meaning in Urdu

Dormant Sentences

Dormant buds.
Dormant position.

Dormant Synonyms


Dormant Definitions

1 of 3) Dormant, Hibernating, Torpid : غیر فعال ہوتا : (satellite adjective) in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation.

His account is dormant.

2 of 3) Dormant, Sleeping : سویا ہوا : (satellite adjective) lying with head on paws as if sleeping.

3 of 3) Dormant, Abeyant : معطل : (satellite adjective) inactive but capable of becoming active.

Her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened.

Useful Words

Hibernate : غیر فعال , Sleep : سونا , Sleepwalk : سوتے میں چلنا , Sleep : گہری نیند , Hibernation : غیر فعالیت , Apathetic : بے حس , Life : سر گرمی , Spirited : پر جوش , Uneager : جسے شوق نہ ہو , Morph : شکل بدلنا , Spiritedly : زندہ دلی سے , Light : چمک , Softness : جسمانی صلاحیتوں کا فقدان , Arouse : جاگنا , Asleep : سویا ہوا , Dream : خواب دیکھنا , Snorer : خراٹے لینے والا , Fast Asleep : گہری نیند میں سویا ہوا , Sleeper : سونے والا , Bedchamber : خلوت گاہ , Sleeper : ریل گاڑی یا گاڑی جس میں سونے کے لیے انتظام ہوتا ہے , Bunkmate : کمرے میں ساتھ سونے والا , Wheeze : سانس میں مشکل ہونا , Roomette : ریل گاڑی میں سونے والے ڈبے میں ایک علیحدہ ذاتی چھوٹا کمرہ , Dope Off : بیٹھے بیٹھے سوجانا , Cat Sleep : ذرا دیر سونا , Nap : سونا , Glossina : خون چوسنے والی مکھی , Pillow : تکیہ , Web : دنیا بھر میں پھیلا کمپیوٹر اور انٹرنیٹ کا جال , Fatty Liver : جگر کی چربی

Useful Words Definitions

Hibernate: be in an inactive or dormant state.

Sleep: a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended.

Sleepwalk: a condition in which sleepwalkers arise and walk while sleeping .

Sleep: a torpid state resembling deep sleep.

Hibernation: the torpid or resting state in which some animals pass the winter.

Apathetic: showing little or no emotion or animation.

Life: animation and energy in action or expression.

Spirited: displaying animation, vigor, or liveliness.

Uneager: lacking interest or spirit or animation.

Morph: cause to change shape in a computer animation.

Spiritedly: in a spirited or lively manner; with animation and vivacity.

Light: merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance.

Softness: poor physical condition; being out of shape or out of condition (as from a life of ease and luxury).

Arouse: stop sleeping.

Asleep: into a sleeping state.

Dream: experience while sleeping.

Snorer: someone who snores while sleeping.

Fast Asleep: sleeping deeply.

Sleeper: a rester who is sleeping.

Bedchamber: a room used primarily for sleeping.

Sleeper: a passenger car that has berths for sleeping.

Bunkmate: someone who occupies the same sleeping quarters as yourself.

Wheeze: breathe with difficulty while sleeping.

Roomette: a small private compartment for one on a sleeping car.

Dope Off: change from a waking to a sleeping state.

Cat Sleep: sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed).

Nap: a period of time spent sleeping.

Glossina: bloodsucking African fly; transmits sleeping sickness etc.

Pillow: a cushion to support the head of a sleeping person.

Web: computer network consisting of a collection of internet sites that offer text and graphics and sound and animation resources through the hypertext transfer protocol.

Fatty Liver: a medical condition where excessive fat accumulates in liver cells. This condition, often caused by factors like obesity or unhealthy diet, can impair liver functionor.

Related Words

Heraldry : رسوم و انساب کا علم , Biological Science : حیاتیات , Asleep : نیند کی حالت میں

Dormant in Book Titles

Lubricating-oil sprays for use on dormant fruit trees.
Dormant: Thinking in Tongues.
Living Embers Lying Dormant.

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