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Drooping meaning in Urdu

Drooping Sentence

Lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers.

Drooping Synonyms


Drooping Definitions

1 of 2) Drooping, Droopy, Sagging : گرا ہوا, جھکا ہوا : (satellite adjective) hanging down (as from exhaustion or weakness).

2 of 2) Drooping, Cernuous, Nodding, Pendulous, Weeping : سرنگوں, جھکا ہوا : (satellite adjective) having branches or flower heads that bend downward.

Useful Words

Ptosis : استرخا , Wilt : مرجھانا , Lop-Eared : جھکے ہوئے کانوں والا , Flaccid : پلپلا , Sloucher : بے ہنگم شخص , Hound : شکاری کتا , Himalaya Honeysuckle : اودے پھول والی جھاڑی , Betula Pendula : سفید چھال دار یورپی درخت , Flag : ایک قسم کا گول پہول دار پودہ , Horner's Syndrome : ریڑ کی ہڈی کی بیماری , Canafistola : گرم خطے کا پھلی دار ایک قسم کا درخت , Badger Dog : لمبے جسم اور چھوٹی ٹانگوں والا کتا , Gleditsia Triacanthos : کانٹے دار امریکی پودا , Walrus Moustache : نیچے کی طرف جھکی ہوئی مونچھ , Dipped : ریڑھ کی ہڈی سے متعلق , Exhausting : تھکا دینے والا , Blear : نڈھال , Collapse : ہار ماننا , Dazed : مدہوش , Myasthenia : عضلاتی کمزوری , Rickety : کمزور , Quavering : لرزی ہوئی آواز , Inanition : کمزوری , Achilles' Heel : دکھتی رگ , Arduous : کٹھن , Hang : لٹکا کر مارنا , Hang : لٹکانا , Tremor : تھرتھری , Curtain : پردہ , Baggy : تھیلے کی طرح ڈھیلا ڈھالا , Dangling : لٹکانا

Useful Words Definitions

Ptosis: drooping of the upper eyelid caused by muscle paralysis and weakness.

Wilt: causing to become limp or drooping.

Lop-Eared: having bent or drooping ears.

Flaccid: drooping without elasticity; wanting in stiffness.

Sloucher: a person who slouches; someone with a drooping carriage.

Hound: any of several breeds of dog used for hunting typically having large drooping ears.

Himalaya Honeysuckle: shrub honeysuckle with drooping spikes of purplish flowers.

Betula Pendula: European birch with silvery white peeling bark and markedly drooping branches.

Flag: plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals.

Horner's Syndrome: a pattern of symptoms occurring as a result of damage to nerves in the cervical region of the spine (drooping eyelids and constricted pupils and absence of facial sweating).

Canafistola: deciduous or semi-evergreen tree having scented sepia to yellow flowers in drooping racemes and pods whose pulp is used medicinally; tropical Asia and Central and South America and Australia.

Badger Dog: small long-bodied short-legged German breed of dog having a short sleek coat and long drooping ears; suited for following game into burrows.

Gleditsia Triacanthos: tall usually spiny North American tree having small greenish-white flowers in drooping racemes followed by long twisting seed pods; yields very hard durable reddish-brown wood; introduced to temperate Old World.

Walrus Moustache: a bushy droopy mustache.

Dipped: having abnormal sagging of the spine (especially in horses).

Exhausting: producing exhaustion.

Blear: tired to the point of exhaustion.

Collapse: an abrupt failure of function or complete physical exhaustion.

Dazed: stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion).

Myasthenia: any muscular weakness.

Rickety: inclined to shake as from weakness or defect.

Quavering: (of the voice) quivering as from weakness or fear.

Inanition: weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy.

Achilles' Heel: a seemingly small but actual mortal weakness.

Arduous: characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort.

Hang: kill by hanging.

Hang: cause to be hanging or suspended.

Tremor: shaking or trembling (usually resulting from weakness or stress or disease).

Curtain: hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window).

Baggy: not fitting closely; hanging loosely.

Dangling: the act of suspending something (hanging it from above so it moves freely).

Related Words

Biological Science : حیاتیات , Lax : کمزور

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