NadhaalThaknaUktanaKhasta HaliBohat Thaka HuwaLakri KaSaaf Or Achay L...Apnay Balon Ka ...Dunia Se BezaarThakaThaka Huwa LagnaThakan Kay AasarThakan Se ChoorUktana HuwaZehni Tor Par P...Taza DamQabil BardashtMazahemat Karna...

دُنیا سے بیزار : Dunia Se Bezaar Meaning in English

Dunia Se Bezaar Sentences

Dunia Se Bezaar in Detail

1) دنیا سے بیزار بیزار : Bored World-Weary : (satellite adjective) tired of the world.


Useful Words

تھکا ہوا : Tired : depleted of strength or energy. "I would have been tired".

دنیا : Earth : the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on. "When I told her that I am from Pakistan, so she insulted me by asking me where it is on the globe?".

Dunia Se BezaarDetailQuiz
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