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Embattle meaning in Urdu

Embattle Definitions

1) Embattle : جنگ کے لئے تیار ہونا صف بندی کرنا : (verb) prepare for battle or conflict.


Useful Words

Conflict : متصادم ہونا , Battle : لڑائی کرنا , Clash : متصادم ہونا , Join Battle : لڑائی کے لیے آمنے سامنے ہونا , Contravention : مخاصمت , Crop : فصل اگانا , Percolate : کافی دان میں بنانا , Formulate : نسخے کے مطابق بنانا , Bed : سونے جانا , Summerise : گرمی کے موسم کے لئے تیار ہونا , Winterise : سرد موسم کے لیے تیار کرنا , Brew : کشید کرنا , Cook : پکانا , Clash : تصادم , Beat : شکست دینا , Undivided : نہ ٹوٹا ہوا , Polarise : یکطرفہ ہوجانا , War : جنگ , Wartime : زمانہ جنگ , Bake : تندور کی خشک آگ پر پکانا , Strife : جھگڑا , In-Fighting : آپس کی لڑائی , Collision : ٹکراوٴ , Arm : تیاری کرنا , Cook : بنانا , Concoct : مرتب کرنا , Rough : خاکہ تیار کرنا , Whip Up : تیزی سے پکانا تیار کرنا , Initiate : کسی چیز کی طرف بتدریج بڑھنا , Brace : تیاری کرنا , World War : جنگ عظیم

Useful Words Definitions

Conflict: be in conflict.

Battle: battle or contend against in or as if in a battle.

Clash: be incompatible; be or come into conflict.

Join Battle: engage in a conflict.

Contravention: coming into conflict with.

Crop: prepare for crops.

Percolate: prepare in a percolator.

Formulate: prepare according to a formula.

Bed: prepare for sleep.

Summerise: prepare for summer.

Winterise: prepare for winter.

Brew: prepare by brewing.

Cook: prepare a hot meal.

Clash: a state of conflict between two persons.

Beat: come out better in a competition, race, or conflict.

Undivided: not parted by conflict of opinion.

Polarise: become polarized in a conflict or contrasting situation.

War: the waging of armed conflict against an enemy.

Wartime: a period of time during which there is armed conflict.

Bake: prepare with dry heat in an oven.

Strife: bitter conflict; heated often violent dissension.

In-Fighting: conflict between members of the same organization (usually concealed from outsiders).

Collision: a conflict of opposed ideas or attitudes or goals.

Arm: prepare oneself for a military confrontation.

Cook: prepare for eating by applying heat.

Concoct: prepare or cook by mixing ingredients.

Rough: prepare in preliminary or sketchy form.

Whip Up: prepare or cook quickly or hastily.

Initiate: set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for.

Brace: prepare (oneself) for something unpleasant or difficult.

World War: a global conflict or war involving major world powers.

Related Words

Devise : سازش کرنا

دام زیادہ لگا رہے ہو