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Embellish meaning in Urdu

Embellish Synonyms


Embellish Definitions

2 of 4) Embellish, Adorn, Beautify, Deck, Decorate, Grace : سجا دینا : (verb) be beautiful to look at.

3 of 4) Embellish, Adorn, Beautify, Decorate, Grace, Ornament : سجانا : (verb) make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.

Useful Words

Accompaniment : ضمیمہ , Counterblow : منہ توڑ جواب , Finical : کہوجی , Detail : تفصیل بیان کرنا , All In All : مجموعی طور پر , Broadly : سر سری طور پر , Meticulous : باریک بین , Compose : تیار کرنا , Observant : باریک بین , Map : خاکہ بنانا , Resemblance : مشابہت , Meticulous : محتاط , Flowery : مزین , Contrivance : اختراع , Specifier : صراحت کرنے والا , Gospel According To Luke : انجیل لوقا , Dilate : تفصیل , Administrivia : ذیلی امور , Winnow : لگنا , Plane Table : مساحتی میز , Set In : ہوا کا ساحل کی طرف چلنا , Bang : ضرب , Concussion : چوٹ , Belt : ضرب لگانا , Winnow : پہونک مارکر اڑانا , Wallop : کاری ضرب , Waft : ہلکے سے مارنا , Biff : مکا , Swat : ضرب لگانا , Brunt : صدمہ , Boot : لات

Useful Words Definitions

Accompaniment: something added to complete or embellish or make perfect.

Counterblow: a return blow; a retaliatory blow.

Finical: exacting especially about details.

Detail: provide details for.

All In All: with everything considered (and neglecting details).

Broadly: without regard to specific details or exceptions.

Meticulous: marked by precise accordance with details.

Compose: make up plans or basic details for.

Observant: paying close attention especially to details.

Map: make a map of; show or establish the features of details of.

Resemblance: similarity in appearance or external or superficial details.

Meticulous: marked by extreme care in treatment of details.

Flowery: marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details.

Contrivance: an artificial or unnatural or obviously contrived arrangement of details or parts etc.

Specifier: someone who draws up specifications giving details (as for obtaining a patent).

Gospel According To Luke: one of the four Gospels in the New Testament; contains details of Jesus`s birth and early life.

Dilate: add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing.

Administrivia: the tiresome but essential details that must be taken care of and tasks that must be performed in running an organization.

Winnow: blow on.

Plane Table: surveying instrument consisting of a drawing board and a ruler that are mounted on a tripod; used to sight and map topographical details.

Set In: blow toward the shore.

Bang: a vigorous blow.

Concussion: any violent blow.

Belt: deliver a blow to.

Winnow: blow away or off with a current of air.

Wallop: a severe blow.

Waft: blow gently.

Biff: (boxing) a blow with the fist.

Swat: hit swiftly with a violent blow.

Brunt: main force of a blow etc.

Boot: the act of delivering a blow with the foot.

Related Words

Curry : سنوارنا , Alter : بدلنا , Ameliorate : درست کرنا , Dress Up : سجانا , Slick Up : بنانا , Amplify : مبالغہ آرائی کرنا , Polish : چمکیلا بنانا , Wreathe : ہار پہول سے سجانا , Beset : خوش نما بنانا , Broider : کڑھائی کرنا , Fledge : پر لگانا , Be : ہے , Become : زیب دینا

تم نے تو محفل ہی لوٹ لی ہے