Exanimate meaning in Urdu
Exanimate Synonym
Exanimate Definitions
Useful Words
Dead : مردہ , Extinct : معدوم , Attainder : تمام شہری حقوق سے محروم شخص , Biologic : حیاتیاتی , Rural : دیہاتی , Immature : نابالغ , Lifelessly : بے جان طور پر , Mummify : حنوط کرنا , Arid : سوکھا , Inarticulate : بے آواز , Disenfranchised : حق راۓ دہی سے محروم , Helpless : مجبور , Buy The Farm : وفات پانا , Asphyxiation : دم گھٹنے کا عمل , Dispossessed : بے سہارا , Regenerate : دوبارہ پیدا ہونا , Predatory : شکاری , Endozoic : کیڑوں کے ساتھ رہنا , Disused : خارج , Outwear : زیادہ چلنے والا , Dead Person : مرحوم , Back-Number : جو شخص مشہور نہ ہوا ہو , Outlast : زیادہ دیر تک جینا , Defunctness : معدومی , Out Of Sight : جو نظر سے باہر ہوگیا ہو , Lengthen : لمبا کرنا , Off : الگ کرنا , Stretch : پھیل جانا , Out-Of-Date : پرانا , Draw Out : کو طول دینا , Detached : الگ کیا ہوا
Useful Words Definitions
Dead: people who are no longer living.
Extinct: no longer in existence; lost or especially having died out leaving no living representatives.
Attainder: the legal status of a person who is alive but who has been deprived of the rights and privileges of a citizen or a member of society; the legal status of one sentenced to life imprisonment.
Biologic: pertaining to biology or to life and living things.
Rural: living in or characteristic of farming or country life.
Immature: (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth.
Lifelessly: in a lifeless manner.
Mummify: preserve while making lifeless.
Arid: lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless.
Inarticulate: without or deprived of the use of speech or words.
Disenfranchised: deprived of the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote.
Helpless: lacking in or deprived of strength or power.
Buy The Farm: pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life.
Asphyxiation: the condition of being deprived of oxygen (as by having breathing stopped).
Dispossessed: physically or spiritually homeless or deprived of security.
Regenerate: return to life; get or give new life or energy.
Predatory: living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey.
Endozoic: living within a living animal usually as a parasite.
Disused: no longer in use.
Outwear: last longer than others.
Dead Person: someone who is no longer alive.
Back-Number: someone who is no longer popular.
Outlast: live longer than.
Defunctness: no longer in existence.
Out Of Sight: no longer visible.
Lengthen: make longer.
Off: no longer on or in contact or attached.
Stretch: become longer by being stretched and pulled.
Out-Of-Date: old; no longer valid or fashionable.
Draw Out: lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer.
Detached: no longer connected or joined.