Fiery meaning in Urdu
Fiery Sentences
Fiery Synonyms
Fiery Definitions
1 of 3) Fiery, Ardent, Fervent, Fervid, Impassioned, Perfervid, Torrid : انتہائی جذباتی, جوشیلا : (satellite adjective) characterized by intense emotion.
2 of 3) Fiery, Igneous : انگارہ جیسی, شدید گرم : (satellite adjective) like or suggestive of fire.
Useful Words
Prancer : اچھلنے کودنے والا گہوڑا , Red-Hot : شدید جذبات اور بے قراری والا , Sensational : بہت زیادہ دل چسپی پیدا کرنے والی , Beam : کھل اٹھنا , Affectional : جذبات انگیز , Hate : نفرت , Drumbeater : سخت گیر , Hot : مار ڈھاڑ سے بھر پور , Felicity : خوشی , White-Hot : گرم جوش , Prurigo : قدیم خارشی مرض جو اکثر بچوں میں ہوتا ہے , Fierce : جذباتی , Ardently : جوش و خروش سے , Buff : مرید , Devotedness : نذر , Romeo : عاشق , Apostle : حامی , Enthusiast : پکا حامی , Hot-Blooded : جذباتی , Beatify : پھولے نہ سمانا , Blowup : اظہار جذبات , Stoically : ضبط یا استقلال سے , Apathy : مردہ دلی , Charged : جذبات سے بھرا , Inspiration : فکر , Apathetic : بے حس , Passion : جوش , Bond : ملا دینا , Undemonstrative : احساسات ظاہر نہ کرنے والا , Joy : مسرت , Inflaming : اشتعال
Useful Words Definitions
Prancer: a mettlesome or fiery horse.
Red-Hot: characterized by intense emotion or interest or excitement.
Sensational: causing intense interest, curiosity, or emotion.
Beam: experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion.
Affectional: characterized by emotion.
Hate: the emotion of intense dislike; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action.
Drumbeater: a fervent and even militant proponent of something.
Hot: characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement; very intense.
Felicity: state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.
White-Hot: intensely zealous or fervid.
Prurigo: chronic inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by blister capped papules and intense itching.
Fierce: marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid.
Ardently: in an ardent manner.
Buff: an ardent follower and admirer.
Devotedness: feelings of ardent love.
Romeo: an ardent male lover.
Apostle: an ardent early supporter of a cause or reform.
Enthusiast: an ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity.
Hot-Blooded: prone to emotion.
Beatify: fill with sublime emotion.
Blowup: an unrestrained expression of emotion.
Stoically: without emotion; in a stoic manner.
Apathy: an absence of emotion or enthusiasm.
Charged: fraught with great emotion.
Inspiration: arousing to a particular emotion or action.
Apathetic: showing little or no emotion or animation.
Passion: a strong feeling or emotion.
Bond: bring together in a common cause or emotion.
Undemonstrative: not given to open expression of emotion.
Joy: the emotion of great happiness.
Inflaming: arousal to violent emotion.
Related Words
Hot : گرم , Passionate : جذبہ شوق سے سرشار