AqiqahHuwa Bazoun Ka ...Fizai Darsgha Amreki Fazaiya Fazaiya Huwa Bahra Takia Huwa Bahra Sahara Huwa Bhray Paay Gajar Ka HalwaHawai Hathori Huwa Ka Kam Dbao Surakh Hawai Baja Huwa Khynchna Huwa Ka Pipe Huwa Ka Khana Aik Qisam Ka BajraTanqeed Y Hashi...IspagholKhameer Shuda K...

گاجر کا حلوہ : Gajar Ka Halwa Meaning in English

Gajar Ka Halwa in Detail

1) گاجر کا حلوہ : Carrot Halwa : (noun) a dessert sweet that made with carrot.


Useful Words

گاجر : Carrot : The cultivated carrot plant yields an edible root that is typically deep orange in color and is used as a vegetable. "Carrots are low in calories and good for digestive health, eye health and immune system".

میٹھی ڈیش : Afters : a dish served as the last course of a meal. "Please have sweet".

بنایا ہوا : Made : produced by a manufacturing process. "Bought some made goods at the local store; rope and nails".

ملکوتی : Angelic : having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub. "A cherubic face".

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