گاڑھا ہونا : Garha Hona Meaning in English
English Learning Video
Garha Hona in Detail
1 of 2) دودھ کھٹا کرنا گاڑھا ہونا : Clabber Clot Curdle : (verb) turn into curds.
2 of 2) گاڑھا ہونا موٹا ہونا : Inspissate Thicken : (verb) become thick or thicker.
Useful Words
گاڑھا دودھ : Curd : coagulated milk; used to make cheese. "Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating some curds and whey".
پلٹنا : Turn : cause to move around a center so as to show another side of. "He turned the issue".