Graveness Graven Image Graven Gravely Gravelly Gravel Grave Mound Grave Gravestone Graveyard Graveyard Shift Gravid Gravida Gravida I Gravidation Gravidity Gravidness Gravitas Gravitation Gravitational A...

Gravestone meaning in Urdu

Gravestone Synonyms

Gravestone Definitions

1) Gravestone, Headstone, Tombstone : سنگ قبر : (noun) a stone that is used to mark a grave.


Useful Words

Epitaph : قبر کا کتبہ , Grave : مقبرہ , Hand Ax : چھوٹی کلہاڑی , Hopscotch : پیلدوج , Muller : کوٹنے والا اوزار , Buried : مدفون , Burial Chamber : مزار , Solemnly : سنجیدگی سے , Gravely : تحمل سے , Bury : دفن کرنا , Melancholy : افسردہ , Burial : تدفین , Funereal : تدفینی , Committal Service : تدفین , Urolith : مثانے کی پتھری , Lapidify : پتھر بن جانا , Epilithic : پتھر یا چٹان پر اگنے والا , Neolith : پتھر کے اوزار جو پتھر کے زمانے کے لوگ استعمال کرتے تھے , Hearthstone : آتش دان کے پتھر , Cutter : سنگ تراش , Dripstone : مہراب , Mason : مستری , Capstone : منڈیر , Macadam : سڑک بنانے میں استعمال ہونے والے پھتر , Lithotomy : پتھری نکالنے کا آپریشن , Graniteware : تام چینی کے برتن , Cherry : چیری , Clinker : سخت اور چھوٹے پتھر , Salivary Calculus : سلائیوری نالی میں پتھری , Differentiate : تفریق کرنا , Pit : گڑھا

Useful Words Definitions

Epitaph: an inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there.

Grave: a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone).

Hand Ax: a stone tool with a cutting edge; the stone is held in the hand and used for chopping.

Hopscotch: a game in which a child tosses a stone into an area drawn on the ground and then hops through it and back to regain the stone.

Muller: a heavy tool of stone or iron (usually with a flat base and a handle) that is used to grind and mix material (as grain or drugs or pigments) against a slab of stone.

Buried: placed in a grave.

Burial Chamber: a chamber that is used as a grave.

Solemnly: in a grave and sedate manner.

Gravely: in a grave and sober manner.

Bury: place in a grave or tomb.

Melancholy: grave or even gloomy in character.

Burial: the ritual placing of a corpse in a grave.

Funereal: suited to or suggestive of a grave or burial.

Committal Service: service committing a body to the grave.

Urolith: a urinary stone.

Lapidify: change into stone.

Epilithic: growing on stone.

Neolith: a stone tool from the Neolithic Age.

Hearthstone: a stone that forms a hearth.

Cutter: someone who cuts or carves stone.

Dripstone: a protective drip that is made of stone.

Mason: a craftsman who works with stone or brick.

Capstone: a stone that forms the top of wall or building.

Macadam: broken stone used in macadamized roadways.

Lithotomy: surgical removal of a stone (calculus).

Graniteware: a kind of stone-grey enamelware.

Cherry: a red fruit with a single hard stone.

Clinker: a hard brick used as a paving stone.

Salivary Calculus: a stone formed in the salivary gland.

Differentiate: mark as different.

Pit: a surface excavation for extracting stone or slate.

Related Words

Memorial : یاد گاری عمارت یا مجسمہ وغیرہ

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