Haul meaning in Urdu
Haul Sentences
Haul Synonyms
Haul Definitions
1 of 4) Haul, Draw, Haulage : کھینچنے کا عمل : (noun) the act of drawing or hauling something.
3 of 4) Haul, Catch : کسی چیز کی مقدار : (noun) the quantity that was caught.
4 of 4) Haul : نقل و حمل کرنا : (verb) transport in a vehicle.
Haul stones from the quarry in a truck.
Haul vegetables to the market.
Useful Words
Hoist : چڑھانا , Camion : ٹھیلا , Hauler : مال پہنچانے والا , Diagram : نقشہ , Motortruck : ٹرک , Tow : رسے کی مدد سے کھینچنا , Workhorse : محنتی گہوڑا , Donkey Cart : گدھا گاڑی , Cartage : مال برداری , Barrow : ٹھیلا , Jaunting Car : دو پہیوں والی گاڑی , Horse Cart : گھوڑا گاڑی , Jinrikisha : رکشا , Harness : بگھی کے جانور کی پٹی جو جانور اور بگھی میں باندھی جاتی ہے , Tea Cart : چائے کی ٹرالی , Close : نزدیک آنا , Breathe In : سانس اندر لینا , Capitalise : فائدہ اٹھانا , Bleed : خون بہانا , Deflect : دھیان ہٹانا , Contract : سکڑنا , Cartoon : کارٹون بنانا , Circumscribe : دائرہ بند کرنا , Doodle : بے مقصد تصویر یا خاکہ , Draw : تصویر کشی کرنا , Lace : سوراخ کے ذریعے ڈالنا , Gather : شکن , Reticent : خلوت پسند , Breathe : سانس لینا , Delimit : حدود متعین کرنا , Draft : خاکہ بنانا
Useful Words Definitions
Hoist: raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help.
Camion: a low heavy horse cart without sides; used for haulage.
Hauler: a haulage contractor.
Diagram: a drawing intended to explain how something works; a drawing showing the relation between the parts.
Motortruck: an automotive vehicle suitable for hauling.
Tow: the act of hauling something (as a vehicle) by means of a hitch or rope.
Workhorse: a horse used for plowing and hauling and other heavy labor.
Donkey Cart: a cart with an underslung axle and two seats.
Cartage: the work of taking something away in a cart or truck and disposing of it.
Barrow: a cart for carrying small loads; has handles and one or more wheels.
Jaunting Car: an open two-wheeled one-horse cart formerly widely used in Ireland.
Horse Cart: heavy cart; drawn by a horse; used for farm work.
Jinrikisha: a small two-wheeled cart for one passenger; pulled by one person.
Harness: stable gear consisting of an arrangement of leather straps fitted to a draft animal so that it can be attached to and pull a cart.
Tea Cart: serving cart for serving tea or light refreshments.
Close: draw near.
Breathe In: draw in (air).
Capitalise: draw advantages from.
Bleed: draw blood.
Deflect: draw someone`s attention away from something.
Contract: become smaller or draw together.
Cartoon: draw cartoons of.
Circumscribe: draw a line around.
Doodle: an aimless drawing.
Draw: engage in drawing.
Lace: draw through eyes or holes.
Gather: draw together into folds or puckers.
Reticent: reluctant to draw attention to yourself.
Breathe: draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs.
Delimit: set, mark, or draw the boundaries of something.
Draft: draw up an outline or sketch for something.
Related Words
Pull : کھینچنا , Draw : دھکا لگانا , Carry : ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ لے جانا