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Hedge meaning in Urdu

Hedge Sentences

Build a hedgerow.
Hedge the property.

Hedge Synonyms


Hedge Definitions

1 of 4) Hedge, Hedgerow : جھاڑیوں کی باڑ : (noun) a fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs or bushes.

2 of 4) Hedge, Circumvent, Dodge, Duck, Elude, Evade, Fudge, Parry, Put Off, Sidestep, Skirt : ٹال دینا : (verb) avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues).

3 of 4) Hedge, Hedging : معاشی استحکام کا طریقہ : (noun) any technique designed to reduce or eliminate financial risk; for example, taking two positions that will offset each other if prices change.

4 of 4) Hedge, Hedge In : باڑ لگانا : (verb) enclose or bound in with or as it with a hedge or hedges.

Useful Words

Shelterbelt : ہوا روکنے کے لئے درختوں کی باڑ , Acer Campestre : یورپی پیپل , Shrubbery : جھاڑیوں والی جگہ , Beg : جواب گول کرنا , Achillea Millefolium : ایک قسم کا پودا , Brush : جنگل , Bosky : جھاڑی دار , Wooded : درختوں سے بھرا ہوا , Bush : جھاڑ جھنکاڑ , Paling : لکڑی کے ڈنڈوں کی باڑ , Gate : پھاٹک , Pale : کھونٹا , Blackberry : آنچھو ایک پھل , Coil : چکر , Weir : بند جو مچھلیاں پکڑنے کے لئے باندھا جاتا ہے , Wattle : شاخوں سے بنی رکاوٹ , Stockade : باڑ , Wheat Field : جس جگہ گندم لگائی گئی ہو , Ulmus Glabra : یورپ کا سایہ دار درخت , Underbrush : درختوں کے ساتھ اگے ہوئے پودے , Pinetum : درختوں کا ایک باغ , Cover Crop : بچاوٴ فصل , Coco : ناریل کا درخت , Common Beech : برگت جیسا درخت , Shave : تراشنا , Side By Side : ساتھ ساتھ , Affined : وابستہ , Pent : اندر بند کیا ہوا , Hug : چست ہونا , Fast : مضبوطی سے , Ailanthus Altissima : چین میں پایا جانے والا ایک درخت جو تیزی سے بڑھتا ہے

Useful Words Definitions

Shelterbelt: hedge or fence of trees designed to lessen the force of the wind and reduce erosion.

Acer Campestre: shrubby Eurasian maple often used as a hedge.

Shrubbery: an area where a number of shrubs are planted.

Beg: dodge, avoid answering, or take for granted.

Achillea Millefolium: ubiquitous strong-scented mat-forming Eurasian herb of wasteland, hedgerow or pasture having narrow serrate leaves and small usually white florets; widely naturalized in North America.

Brush: a dense growth of bushes.

Bosky: covered with or consisting of bushes or thickets.

Wooded: covered with growing trees and bushes etc.

Bush: dense vegetation consisting of stunted trees or bushes.

Paling: a fence made of upright pickets.

Gate: a movable barrier in a fence or wall.

Pale: a wooden strip forming part of a fence.

Blackberry: large sweet black or very dark purple edible aggregate fruit of any of various bushes of the genus Rubus.

Coil: a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals).

Weir: a fence or wattle built across a stream to catch or retain fish.

Wattle: framework consisting of stakes interwoven with branches to form a fence.

Stockade: fortification consisting of a fence made of a line of stout posts set firmly for defense.

Wheat Field: a field planted with wheat.

Ulmus Glabra: Eurasian elm often planted as a shade tree.

Underbrush: the brush (small trees and bushes and ferns etc.) growing beneath taller trees in a wood or forest.

Pinetum: an area planted with pine trees or related conifers.

Cover Crop: crop planted to prevent soil erosion and provide green manure.

Coco: tall palm tree bearing coconuts as fruits; widely planted throughout the tropics.

Common Beech: large European beech with minutely-toothed leaves; widely planted as an ornamental in North America.

Shave: cut closely.

Side By Side: closely related or associated.

Affined: closely related.

Pent: closely confined.

Hug: fit closely or tightly.

Fast: firmly or closely.

Ailanthus Altissima: deciduous rapidly growing tree of China with foliage like sumac and sweetish fetid flowers; widely planted in United States as a street tree because of its resistance to pollution.

Related Words

Fence : جنگلا , Protection : تحفظ , Quibble : بے تکے اعتراض کرکے سچ جھٹلانا , Avoid : احتزاز کرنا , Close In : گھیرلینا

Hedge in Book Titles

U.S. Regulation of Hedge Funds.
Major issues related to hedge accounting.
A Hole in the Hedge.
Beyond the Hedge.

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