Hey meaning in Urdu
Hey Sentence
Hey Definitions
1) Hey : اوے : (preposition) Used to attract attention or to express surprise.
Hey you! are you serious?
Hey, it`s Waseem!
Useful Words
Attention-Getting : دلکش , Outshine : دوسروں سے زیادہ توجہ حاصل کرنا , Halloo : کسی کو متوجہ کرنے کی پکار , Exhibitionist : شیخی باز , Appealing : پر کشش , Ahem : کھنکھار , Object : اعتراض کرنا , Aback : دنگ رہ جانا , Amazingly : حیران کن طور پر , Blow : دھچکا , Surprising : حیرت انگیز , Becharm : اپنی طرف مائل کرنا , Drab : بے لطف , Goggle-Eyed : ابھری ہوئی آنکہوں والا , Call Out : پکارنا , Bewitch : متوجہ کر لینا , Assassinated : مقتول , Ambuscade : گھات لگانے کا عمل , Curse : لعنت , Assassination : کسی خاص شخصیت کا قتل , Ostentatious : پر نمود , Charismatic : کرشماتی , Lovable : پیار کے قابل , Amazed : دنگ , Bust : چھاپہ مارنا , Allure : لالچ , Ambusher : چھپ کر حملہ کرنے والا , Assassin : مشہور شخصیت کا قاتل , Commend : تجویز کرنا , Mouth : بولنا , Exuberate : باغ باغ ہونا
Useful Words Definitions
Attention-Getting: likely to attract attention.
Outshine: attract more attention and praise than others.
Halloo: a shout to attract attention.
Exhibitionist: someone who deliberately behaves in such a way as to attract attention.
Appealing: able to attract interest or draw favorable attention.
Ahem: the utterance of a sound similar to clearing the throat; intended to get attention, express hesitancy, fill a pause, hide embarrassment, warn a friend, etc.
Object: express or raise an objection or protest or criticism or express dissent.
Aback: by surprise.
Amazingly: in an amazing manner; to everyone's surprise.
Blow: an unpleasant or disappointing surprise.
Surprising: causing surprise or wonder or amazement.
Becharm: attract; cause to be enamored.
Drab: lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise.
Goggle-Eyed: with eyes or mouth open in surprise.
Call Out: utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy.
Bewitch: attract strongly, as if with a magnet.
Assassinated: murdered by surprise attack for political reasons.
Ambuscade: the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise.
Curse: profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger.
Assassination: murder of a public figure by surprise attack.
Ostentatious: intended to attract notice and impress others.
Charismatic: possessing an extraordinary ability to attract.
Lovable: having characteristics that attract love or affection.
Amazed: filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock.
Bust: search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on.
Allure: the power to entice or attract through personal charm.
Ambusher: an attacker who waits in a concealed position to launch a surprise attack.
Assassin: a murderer (especially one who kills a prominent political figure) who kills by a surprise attack and often is hired to do the deed.
Commend: express approval of.
Mouth: express in speech.
Exuberate: to express great joy.
Hey in Book Titles
Hey, Who Said That?.
Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: A Guide to Creating Great Advertising.
Hey You, Light Man!: A Play in Two Acts.