I.D. I Samuel I Maccabees I Kings I Esdra I Chronicles I Hz I.E.D. I.Q. Ia Iaa Ian Fleming Ian Lancaster F... Ib. Iberian Ibert Ibex Ibid. Ibidem

I.E.D. meaning in Urdu

I.E.D. Synonyms

I.E.D. Definitions

1) I.E.D., Ied, Improvised Explosive Device : پھٹنے والا آلہ : (noun) an explosive device that is improvised.


Useful Words

Cap : بم پھوڑنے کا آلہ , Petard : بارودی آلہ , Bomb : بم , Mine : بارودی سرنگ , Firework : آتش بازی , Ad Hoc : غیر رسمی , Descant : سر , Computer Mouse : مائوس , Detonation : پھٹنے کا عمل , Burster : دھماکا خیز مواد کو پھاڑنا , Aerosol Bomb : ہوائی بم , Shot : بارود , Chug : کھنکار , Bombproof : بموں سے متاثر نہ ہونے والا , Pop : آواز کے ساتھ فائر کرنا , High Explosive : دھماکہ خیز مواد , Pop : پھک سے اڑنے کی آواز , Azoimide : زہریلا مائع , Grenade : دستی بم , Dynamite : طاقتور پھٹنے والا مادہ , Atomic Weapon : ایٹمی بم , Banger : پٹاخا , Cartridge : کارتوس , Shell : گولا , Picric Acid : پکرک تیزاب , Load : میزائیل میں نصب بم , Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxia : اعصابی بیماری , Anti-Personnel Bomb : ایک قسم کا بم , Sonic Boom : صوتی دھماکا , Appliance : آلہ , Holder : تھامنے والا

Useful Words Definitions

Cap: a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive; can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive.

Petard: an explosive device used to break down a gate or wall.

Bomb: an explosive device fused to explode under specific conditions.

Mine: explosive device that explodes on contact; designed to destroy vehicles or ships or to kill or maim personnel.

Firework: (usually plural) a device with an explosive that burns at a low rate and with colored flames; can be used to illuminate areas or send signals etc.

Ad Hoc: often improvised or impromptu.

Descant: a decorative musical accompaniment (often improvised) added above a basic melody.

Computer Mouse: a hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad; on the bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad.

Detonation: the act of detonating an explosive.

Burster: a quantity of explosive to be set off at one time.

Aerosol Bomb: a bomb that uses a fuel-air explosive.

Shot: an explosive charge used in blasting.

Chug: the dull explosive noise made by an engine.

Bombproof: able to resist the explosive force of bombs and shells.

Pop: fire a weapon with a loud explosive noise.

High Explosive: a powerful chemical explosive that produces gas at a very high rate.

Pop: a sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a cork.

Azoimide: a colorless explosive liquid that is volatile and poisonous and foul-smelling.

Grenade: a small explosive bomb thrown by hand or fired from a missile.

Dynamite: an explosive containing nitrate sensitized with nitroglycerin absorbed on wood pulp.

Atomic Weapon: a weapon of mass destruction whose explosive power derives from a nuclear reaction.

Banger: firework consisting of a small explosive charge and fuse in a heavy paper casing.

Cartridge: ammunition consisting of a cylindrical casing containing an explosive charge and a bullet; fired from a rifle or handgun.

Shell: ammunition consisting of a cylindrical metal casing containing an explosive charge and a projectile; fired from a large gun.

Picric Acid: a yellow toxic highly explosive strong acid; used in high explosives and as a dye and in chemical reactions.

Load: the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents.

Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxia: nervous disorder of late childhood and early adulthood; characterized by ataxic gait and hesitating or explosive speech and nystagmus.

Anti-Personnel Bomb: a bomb with only 10 to 20 per cent explosive and the remainder consisting of casings designed to break into many small high-velocity fragments; most effective against troops and vehicles.

Sonic Boom: an explosive sound caused by the shock wave of an airplane traveling faster than the speed of sound.

Appliance: a device or control that is very useful for a particular job.

Holder: a holding device.

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