Warfare meaning in Urdu
Warfare Sentence
Warfare Synonym
Warfare Definitions
Useful Words
Cold War : سرد جنگ , Chemical Operations : کیمیائی جنگ , Rape : غارت گری , Warpath : راہ جنگ , Warrior : جنگی سپاہی , Strategian : تزو بر کار , Belligerency : لڑائی , Biological Terrorism : حیاتیاتی جنگ , Poison Gas : زہریلی گیس , Hawkish : جنگجو , Naval Forces : بحریہ , Pyrrhic : بروسی رقص , Battle Fatigue : حربی تھکن , Assail : چڑھائی کرنا , Wartime : زمانہ جنگ , Arsine : آتش گیر زہریلی گیس , Insurgence : شورش , Combat Ship : بحری جہاز جو جنگی ضروریات کے لیے تیار کیا گیا ہو , Fifth Column : وطن دشمن , Reconnaissance : جاسوسی , Intelligence Analyst : خفیہ معلومات کا تجزیہ کار , Intelligence : خفیہ معلومات , Counterattack : جوابی حملہ , Conflict : متصادم ہونا , Clash : متصادم ہونا , Contravention : مخاصمت , Join Battle : لڑائی کے لیے آمنے سامنے ہونا , Beat : شکست دینا , Embattle : جنگ کے لئے تیار ہونا صف بندی کرنا , Clash : تصادم , Undivided : نہ ٹوٹا ہوا
Useful Words Definitions
Cold War: a state of political hostility between countries using means short of armed warfare.
Chemical Operations: warfare using chemical agents to kill or injure or incapacitate the enemy.
Rape: the act of despoiling a country in warfare.
Warpath: a course leading to warfare or battle.
Warrior: someone engaged in or experienced in warfare.
Strategian: an expert in strategy (especially in warfare).
Belligerency: fighting; acts of overt warfare.
Biological Terrorism: terrorism using the weapons of biological warfare.
Poison Gas: a gas that is poisonous to breath or contact; used in chemical warfare.
Hawkish: disposed to warfare or hard-line policies.
Naval Forces: an organization of military vessels belonging to a country and available for sea warfare.
Pyrrhic: an ancient Greek dance imitating the motions of warfare.
Battle Fatigue: a mental disorder caused by stress of active warfare.
Assail: launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with.
Wartime: a period of time during which there is armed conflict.
Arsine: a poisonous colorless flammable gas used in organic synthesis and to dope transistors and as a poison gas in warfare.
Insurgence: an organized rebellion aimed at overthrowing a constituted government through the use of subversion and armed conflict.
Combat Ship: a government ship that is available for waging war.
Fifth Column: a subversive group that supports the enemy and engages in espionage or sabotage; an enemy in your midst.
Reconnaissance: the act of reconnoitring (especially to gain information about an enemy or potential enemy).
Intelligence Analyst: a government analyst of information about an enemy or potential enemy.
Intelligence: secret information about an enemy (or potential enemy).
Counterattack: an attack by a defending force against an attacking enemy force in order to regain lost ground or cut off enemy advance units etc.
Conflict: be in conflict.
Clash: be incompatible; be or come into conflict.
Contravention: coming into conflict with.
Join Battle: engage in a conflict.
Beat: come out better in a competition, race, or conflict.
Embattle: prepare for battle or conflict.
Clash: a state of conflict between two persons.
Undivided: not parted by conflict of opinion.
Related Words
Action : فوجی کارروائی , Limited War : محدود جنگ , Psychological Warfare : اعصابی جنگ , Battle : جنگ , Battle : لڑائی , Civil War : خانہ جنگی , Armed Combat : جنگ , Bioattack : جاندار کو ختم کرنے کے لئے جرثومے کا استعمال