Ibex Ibert Iberian Ib. Ian Lancaster F... Ian Fleming Iaa Ia Ibid. Ibidem Ibis Ibn-Roshd Ibn-Sina Ibrahim Ibuprofen Ic Ice Ice Age Ice Bag Ice Bear

Ibid. meaning in Urdu

Ibid. Synonyms

Ibid. Definitions

1) Ibid., Ib., Ibidem : اسی جگہ : (adverb) in the same place (used when citing a reference).


Useful Words

Side : طرف , Adducing : حوالہ دیتا , Vagrancy : خانہ بدوشی , Migrant : مہاجر , Topology : علم مقامات , Gipsy : خانہ بدوش , Retreat : پناہ گاہ , Advert : آنا , Advert : اشارہ کرنا , Mark : ہدف , Retrospection : خیال ماضی , Navigation : رہبری , Hawk : جگہ جگہ بیچنا , Den : اڈا , Allusion : اشارہ , Connotation : مضمر , Allusiveness : اشارت , Boy : لڑکا , Orient : اپنی جگہ کا تعین کرنا , Compiler : تدوین کرنے والا , Rosebud : جوان لڑکی , Pointed : نشان زدہ , Criterion : کسوٹی , Abstractionism : خیال پر مبنی , Index : اشاریہ , Still : اب بھی , Dictionary : لغت , Mortally : فانی طور پر , Kinematics : حرکیاتی شعبہ علم , Graph : ترسیم , Mechanics : علم میکانیات

Useful Words Definitions

Side: a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location.

Adducing: citing as evidence or proof.

Vagrancy: the state of wandering from place to place; having no permanent home or means of livelihood.

Migrant: habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work.

Topology: topographic study of a given place (especially the history of the place as indicated by its topography).

Gipsy: a laborer who moves from place to place as demanded by employment.

Retreat: a place of privacy; a place affording peace and quiet.

Advert: make reference to.

Advert: make a more or less disguised reference to.

Mark: a reference point to shoot at.

Retrospection: reference to things past.

Navigation: the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place.

Hawk: sell or offer for sale from place to place.

Den: a hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws.

Allusion: passing reference or indirect mention.

Connotation: what you must know in order to determine the reference of an expression.

Allusiveness: a quality characterized by indirect reference.

Boy: a friendly informal reference to a grown man.

Orient: determine one`s position with reference to another point.

Compiler: a person who compiles information (as for reference purposes).

Rosebud: (a literary reference to) a pretty young girl.

Pointed: direct and obvious in meaning or reference; often unpleasant.

Criterion: a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated.

Abstractionism: a representation having no reference to concrete objects or specific examples.

Index: a numerical scale used to compare variables with one another or with some reference number.

Still: with reference to action or condition; without change, interruption, or cessation.

Dictionary: a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them.

Mortally: in such a manner that death ensues (also in reference to hatred, jealousy, fear, etc.).

Kinematics: the branch of mechanics concerned with motion without reference to force or mass.

Graph: a visual representation of the relations between certain quantities plotted with reference to a set of axes.

Mechanics: the branch of physics concerned with the motion of bodies in a frame of reference.

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