Immovably meaning in Urdu
Immovably Sentence
Immovably Definitions
1) Immovably : بے حرکتی سے : (adverb) so as to be incapable of moving.
Useful Words
Rapid : تیز رفتار , Mobile : گشتی , Fast : تیزی سے , Intolerable : ناقابل برداشت , Incurable : ناقابل علاج , Impassable : ناقابل گزر , Nontransferable : جسے منتقل نا کیا جاسکے , Implacable : کٹہور , Infertile : بنجر , Unquestionable : مستند , Inflexible : اٹل , Repellent : جذب نہ ہونے والا , Insuperable : جس پر قابو نہ پایا جا سکے , Invincible : ناقابل شکست , Rigid : سخت , Offenceless : بے ضرر , Identical : یکساں , Indefensible : ناجائز , Castrate : ہجڑا , Dumb : خاموش , Indissoluble : ناقابل حل , Infallible : بے خطا , Incorruptible : ناقابل تحلیل , Inevitable : حتمی , Irrevocable : ناقابل تنسیخ , Inviolable : عمل جس سے مکرا نہ جا سکے , Incontestable : ناقابل تردید , Unthinkable : ناقابل تصور , Disconsolate : غمگین ہونا , Irremovable : ناقابل برطرفی , Rigid : غیر لچک دار
Useful Words Definitions
Rapid: characterized by speed; moving with or capable of moving with high speed.
Mobile: moving or capable of moving readily (especially from place to place).
Fast: acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly.
Intolerable: incapable of being put up with.
Incurable: incapable of being cured.
Impassable: incapable of being passed.
Nontransferable: incapable of being transferred.
Implacable: incapable of being placated.
Infertile: incapable of reproducing.
Unquestionable: incapable of being questioned.
Inflexible: incapable of change.
Repellent: incapable of absorbing or mixing with.
Insuperable: incapable of being surmounted or excelled.
Invincible: incapable of being overcome or subdued.
Rigid: incapable of or resistant to bending.
Offenceless: incapable of offending or attacking.
Identical: exactly alike; incapable of being perceived as different.
Indefensible: incapable of being justified or explained.
Castrate: a man who has been castrated and is incapable of reproduction.
Dumb: temporarily incapable of speaking.
Indissoluble: (of a substance) incapable of being dissolved.
Infallible: incapable of failure or error.
Incorruptible: incapable of being morally corrupted.
Inevitable: incapable of being avoided or prevented.
Irrevocable: incapable of being retracted or revoked.
Inviolable: incapable of being transgressed or dishonored.
Incontestable: incapable of being contested or disputed.
Unthinkable: incapable of being conceived or considered.
Disconsolate: sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled.
Irremovable: incapable of being removed or away or dismiss.
Rigid: incapable of compromise or flexibility.