Injure Injunction Injun Injudiciousness Injection Injectable Inject Initiative Injured Injured Party Injurious Injuriously Injury Injustice Ink Ink Bottle Ink Cartridge Ink-Black Inkberry Inkiness

Injured meaning in Urdu

Injured Sentence

Injured Definitions

1) Injured : زخمی : (adjective) harmed.

Injured soldiers.
Injured feelings.


Useful Words

Damaged : ٹوٹا ہوا , Unharmed : زخم نہ کھایا ہوا , Casualty : حادثاتی طور پر زخمی ہونا یا مرنا , Health Care : بیمار کا بیمہ , Hitch : لنگڑانا , Cicatrice : داغ , Remount : پھر تازہ گہوڑے پر سوار ہونا , Casualty : فوجی کاروائی میں زخمی ہونا یا مرنا , Bandage : پٹی , Actual Damages : زر تلافی , Scarf Bandage : گردن کے ذریعے ہاتھ کو سہارا دینے کی پٹی , Hospital : ہسپتال , Unmolested : جسے چھیڑا نہ گیا ہو , Spoiled : لاڈپیار سے بگڑا ہوا

Useful Words Definitions

Damaged: harmed or injured or spoiled.

Unharmed: not injured.

Casualty: someone injured or killed in an accident.

Health Care: social insurance for the ill and injured.

Hitch: the uneven manner of walking that results from an injured leg.

Cicatrice: a mark left (usually on the skin) by the healing of injured tissue.

Remount: a fresh horse especially (formerly) to replace one killed or injured in battle.

Casualty: someone injured or killed or captured or missing in a military engagement.

Bandage: a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body.

Actual Damages: (law) compensation for losses that can readily be proven to have occurred and for which the injured party has the right to be compensated.

Scarf Bandage: bandage to support an injured forearm; consisting of a wide triangular piece of cloth hanging from around the neck.

Hospital: a medical institution where sick or injured people are given medical or surgical care.

Unmolested: not interfered with, disturbed, or harmed.

Spoiled: having the character or disposition harmed by pampering or oversolicitous attention.

Related Words

Broken : ٹوٹا ہوا , Black-And-Blue : نیل , Lacerate : زخمی

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