انکار کرنا : Inkar Karna Meaning in English
Inkar Karna Sentences
Inkar Karna Synonyms
Inkar Karna in Detail
1 of 6) انکار کرنا رد کر دینا : Decline Pass Up Refuse Reject Turn Down : (verb) refuse to accept.
2 of 6) تردید کرنا انکار کرنا : Deny : (verb) declare untrue; contradict.
3 of 6) تردید کرنا انکار کرنا اعتراض کرنا : Challenge Dispute Gainsay : (verb) take exception to.
4 of 6) انکار کرنا تسلیم نہ کرنا : Disavow : (verb) refuse to acknowledge; disclaim knowledge of; responsibility for, or association with.
5 of 6) تردید کرنا انکار کرنا : Denial : (noun) the act of refusing to comply (as with a request).
6 of 6) انکار کرنا تردید کرنا : Abnegate : (verb) deny or renounce.
Useful Words
قبول کرنا : Accept : receive willingly something given or offered. "May Allah accept the sacrifice of all".
کوڑا کرکٹ : Food Waste : food that is discarded (as from a kitchen).