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Inspirit meaning in Urdu

Inspirit Synonyms


Inspirit Definitions

1) Inspirit, Spirit, Spirit Up : جان ڈالنا, روح پھونکنا : (verb) infuse with spirit.

Useful Words

Zeitgeist : کسی خاص دار کا جذبہ , Python : بہوت پریت , Full Of Life : زندہ دل , Chapfallen : پست , Bogey : بہوت , Con Brio : جوشیلے , Esprit : زندہ دلی , Greathearted : عالی ظرف , Dreamy : پھیکا , Alive : پرجوش , Evil Spirit : بد روح , Scrappy : لڑائی کے لئے تیار , Sprightly : خوش مزاجی سے , Animating : زندگی بخش , Otherworldliness : علم روحانی , Conjuration : جادوگری , Brittle : اکھڑ مزاج , Uneager : جسے شوق نہ ہو , Legalism : قانون پرستی , Arid : سوکھا , Oppressive : بھاری , Buoyancy : زندہ دلی , Spiritual : روحانی , Animator : زندگی بخشنے والا , Life-Giving : زندگی بخش , Emanation : روح القدس کی تخلیق , Vapid : پھیکا , Demoniacally : بہوت پریت کے طور پر , Indwell : اندر رہنا , Physical : مادی , Mephistopheles : شیطان

Useful Words Definitions

Zeitgeist: the spirit of the time; the spirit characteristic of an age or generation.

Python: a soothsaying spirit or a person who is possessed by such a spirit.

Full Of Life: full of spirit.

Chapfallen: brought low in spirit.

Bogey: an evil spirit.

Con Brio: with liveliness or spirit.

Esprit: liveliness of mind or spirit.

Greathearted: noble and generous in spirit.

Dreamy: lacking spirit or liveliness.

Alive: having life or vigor or spirit.

Evil Spirit: a spirit tending to cause harm.

Scrappy: full of fighting spirit.

Sprightly: full of spirit and vitality.

Animating: giving spirit and vivacity.

Otherworldliness: concern with things of the spirit.

Conjuration: calling up a spirit or devil.

Brittle: lacking warmth and generosity of spirit.

Uneager: lacking interest or spirit or animation.

Legalism: strict conformity to the letter of the law rather than its spirit.

Arid: lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless.

Oppressive: weighing heavily on the senses or spirit.

Buoyancy: irrepressible liveliness and good spirit.

Spiritual: concerned with or affecting the spirit or soul.

Animator: someone who imparts energy and vitality and spirit to other people.

Life-Giving: giving or having the power to give life and spirit.

Emanation: (theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Vapid: lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest.

Demoniacally: in a very agitated manner; as if possessed by an evil spirit.

Indwell: to exist as an inner activating spirit, force, or principle.

Physical: involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit.

Mephistopheles: evil spirit to whom Faust sold his soul.

Related Words

Animate : جان ڈالنا
