اِنتباہ : Intabaha Meaning in English
Intabaha Synonyms
Intabaha in Detail
1 of 4) تنبیہ تنبیہہ نصیحت : Admonition Monition Warning Word Of Advice : (noun) cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness).
Useful Words
متحرک : About : on the move. "Up and about".
کام : Act : something that people do or cause to happen. "Whose act is this?".
مشورہ : Advice : a proposal for an appropriate course of action. "You are on the verge of death and my advice is for you is to inform law enforcement immediately".
مخالف : Against : Contrary to; opposed to. "This was done against my will".
انتباہی : Admonitory : serving to warn. "Shook a monitory finger at him".
کچھ : Certain : definite but not specified or identified. "It is certain that more positive changes will be seen in Pakistan".
خطرہ : Danger : the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury. "Old building is in danger".
خاص طور پر : Especially : to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common. "He was particularly fussy about spelling".
قریب : At Hand : close in time; about to occur. "Retribution is at hand".
قدیم دور کے متعلق : Early : belonging to the distant past. "The early inhabitants of Europe".
کوئی چیز : Something : An undetermined or unspecified thing. "Lets have something".
ناپسندیدگی : Unpleasantness : the quality of giving displeasure. "The recent unpleasantness of the weather".
تنبیہ : Warning : a message informing of danger. "A warning that still more bombs could explode".