Interlink meaning in Urdu
Interlink Synonyms
Interlink Definitions
1) Interlink, Complect, Interconnect : باہم جڑا ہوا, ایک دوسری سے جڑا ہوا : (verb) be interwoven or interconnected.
Useful Words
Intercommunicate : باہم رابطہ قائم ہونا , Composite : مخلوط , Network : پھیلا ہوا جال , Tangle : الجھنا , Complex : پیچیدہ , Wattle : شاخوں سے بنی رکاوٹ , Heather : رنگ برنگا کپڑا , Co-Ordinated : مربوط
Useful Words Definitions
Intercommunicate: be interconnected, afford passage.
Composite: consisting of separate interconnected parts.
Network: an interconnected system of things or people.
Tangle: a twisted and tangled mass that is highly interwoven.
Complex: complicated in structure; consisting of interconnected parts.
Wattle: framework consisting of stakes interwoven with branches to form a fence.
Heather: interwoven yarns of mixed colors producing muted greyish shades with flecks of color.
Co-Ordinated: operating as a unit.