Ivory meaning in Urdu
Ivory Synonyms
Ivory Definitions
1 of 2) Ivory, Tusk : ہاتھی دانت, نوکیلا دانت جیسے ہاتھی کا : (noun) a hard smooth ivory colored dentine that makes up most of the tusks of elephants and walruses.
Useful Words
African Elephant : افریقی بینگن , Abidjan : عابد جان , Sea Horse : فرس البحر , Babassu : تاڑ کا درخت جو عام طور پر براذیل میں پایا جاتا ہے , Blunt-Leaf Heath : سفید گلاب کی جھاڑی , Pick : زخمہ , Carving : سنگ تراشی , Mammoth : ایک قسم کا ہاتھی , Common Oak : یورپی اوک کا درخت , Cucumis Melo Inodorus : پیٹھا , Break : ہڈی کا ٹوٹنا , American Cheese : چیڈر پنیر , Plum : آلو بخارا , Butternut Squash : پیٹھے کا درخت , Brazilian Rosewood : برازیل میں پایا جانے والا ایک درخت , Pale : ہلکا رنگ , Genus Odobenus : فرس البحر کی قسم , Whin : ریتلی چٹانیں , Chambray : شیشمی کپڑا , Cockatoo : تاج والا طوطا , Palomino : سنہرے رنگ کی جلد والا گہوڑا , Enamel : دانت کا سخت بیرونی غلاف , Tusked : نوکیلے دانت کا , Brazil : ایک قسم کا خشک میوا , Conessi : کرچی کا پیڑ , Honeydew : سردے جیسا میٹھا پھل , Osteochondroma : ہڈی کی رسولی , Osteomyelitis : ھڈی کی سوزش , Albers-Schonberg Disease : مرمری ہڈیاں , Condyle : مہرہ , Apple Nut : ایک قسم کا بیج
Useful Words Definitions
African Elephant: an elephant native to Africa having enormous flapping ears and ivory tusks.
Abidjan: city recognized by the United States as the capital of the Ivory Coast; largest city of the Ivory Coast.
Sea Horse: either of two large northern marine mammals having ivory tusks and tough hide over thick blubber.
Babassu: tall feather palm of northern Brazil with hard-shelled nuts yielding valuable oil and a kind of vegetable ivory.
Blunt-Leaf Heath: small erect shrub of Australia and Tasmania with fragrant ivory flowers.
Pick: a small thin device (of metal or plastic or ivory) used to pluck a stringed instrument.
Carving: a sculpture created by removing material (as wood or ivory or stone) in order to create a desired shape.
Mammoth: any of numerous extinct elephants widely distributed in the Pleistocene; extremely large with hairy coats and long upcurved tusks.
Common Oak: medium to large deciduous European oak having smooth leaves with rounded lobes; yields hard strong light-colored wood.
Cucumis Melo Inodorus: any of a variety of muskmelon vines having fruit with a smooth white rind and white or greenish flesh that does not have a musky smell.
Break: breaking of hard tissue such as bone.
American Cheese: hard smooth-textured cheese; originally made in Cheddar in southwestern England.
Plum: any of several trees producing edible oval fruit having a smooth skin and a single hard stone.
Butternut Squash: plant bearing buff-colored squash having somewhat bottle-shaped fruit with fine-textured edible flesh and a smooth thin rind.
Brazilian Rosewood: an important Brazilian timber tree yielding a heavy hard dark-colored wood streaked with black.
Pale: very light colored; highly diluted with white.
Genus Odobenus: type genus of the Odobenidae: walruses.
Whin: any of various hard colored rocks (especially rocks consisting of chert or basalt).
Chambray: a lightweight fabric woven with white threads across a colored warp.
Cockatoo: white or light-colored crested parrot of the Australian region; often kept as cage birds.
Palomino: a horse of light tan or golden color with cream-colored or white mane and tail.
Enamel: hard white substance covering the crown of a tooth.
Tusked: having tusks.
Brazil: three-sided tropical American nut with white oily meat and hard brown shell.
Conessi: tropical Asian tree with hard white wood and bark formerly used as a remedy for dysentery and diarrhea.
Honeydew: the fruit of a variety of winter melon vine; a large smooth greenish-white melon with pale green flesh.
Osteochondroma: benign tumor containing both bone and cartilage; usually occurs near the end of a long bone.
Osteomyelitis: an inflammation of bone and bone marrow (usually caused by bacterial infection).
Albers-Schonberg Disease: an inherited disorder characterized by an increase in bone density; in severe forms the bone marrow cavity may be obliterated.
Condyle: a round bump on a bone where it forms a joint with another bone.
Apple Nut: nutlike seed of a South American palm; the hard white shell takes a high polish and is used for e.g. buttons.