Jumping meaning in Urdu
Jumping Sentence
Jumping Synonym
Jumping Definitions
1 of 2) Jumping : پھلانگتے ہوئے : (noun) the act of participating in an athletic competition in which you must jump.
2 of 2) Jumping, Jump : جست, کودنے کا عمل : (noun) the act of jumping; propelling yourself off the ground.
Useful Words
Broad Jump : لمبی چھلانگ , High Jump : ہائی جمپ کھیل , Hop-Step-And-Jump : چھلانگ لگانے کا مقابلہ , Jerboa : چوہے کی طرح کودنے والا جانور , Springboard : لچک دار تختہ , Hop : اچھلنا , Hop : ہلکے سے اچھلنا , Jump : کدوانا , Caper : اچھل کود کرنا , Desultory : بے ترتیب , Jump : کودنا , Overleap : پھلانگنا , Bolt : اچھل پڑنا , Hop : اچھلنا , Sky Dive : فضائی کرتب کرنا , One-Upmanship : مسابقت کا رحجان , Field Day : کھیلوں کا دن , Turner : جمناسٹک کا ماہر , Sack Race : بوری دوڑ , Discus : تھالی , Shot Put : کھیل کے مقابلوں میں لوہے کا بھاری سا گولہ دور تک پھینکنے کا مقابلہ , Magneto : مقناطیسی مشین , Communion : عیسائی تقریب , Reactive : متعامل , Active : کسی پارٹی کا سرگرم رکن , Color Bar : نسلی امتیاز , Air Medal : تمغہ پرواز , Health Maintenance Organization : صحت کے مشترکہ بیمے کا ادارہ , Pentathlon : پانچ فریقوں یا ٹیموں کے درمیان کھیلوں کا مقابلہ جس میں ہر فریق پانچ مرتبہ کھیلتا ہے , Dope : جسمانی صلاحیت بڑھانے کے لئے دوا کھانا , Court Game : ایک کھیل
Useful Words Definitions
Broad Jump: a competition that involves jumping as far as possible from a running start.
High Jump: a competition that involves jumping as high as possible over a horizontal bar.
Hop-Step-And-Jump: an athletic contest in which a competitor must perform successively a hop and a step and a jump in continuous movement.
Jerboa: mouselike jumping rodent.
Springboard: a flexible board for jumping upward.
Hop: the act of hopping; jumping upward or forward (especially on one foot).
Hop: jump lightly.
Jump: cause to jump or leap.
Caper: jump about playfully.
Desultory: marked by lack of definite plan or regularity or purpose; jumping from one thing to another.
Jump: jump down from an elevated point.
Overleap: jump across or leap over (an obstacle).
Bolt: move or jump suddenly.
Hop: make a jump forward or upward.
Sky Dive: jump from an airplane and perform various maneuvers before opening one's parachute.
One-Upmanship: the practice of keeping one jump ahead of a friend or competitor.
Field Day: a day for outdoor athletic competition.
Turner: one of two persons who swing ropes for jumpers to skip over in the game of jump rope.
Sack Race: a novelty race in which competitors jump ahead with their feet confined in a sack.
Discus: an athletic competition in which a disk-shaped object is thrown as far as possible.
Shot Put: an athletic competition in which a heavy metal ball is hurled as far as possible.
Magneto: a small dynamo with a secondary winding that produces a high voltage enabling a spark to jump between the poles of a spark plug in a gasoline engine.
Communion: the act of participating in the celebration of the Eucharist.
Reactive: participating readily in reactions.
Active: a person who is a participating member of an organization.
Color Bar: barrier preventing blacks from participating in various activities with whites.
Air Medal: a United States Air Force decoration for meritorious achievement while participating in an aerial flight.
Health Maintenance Organization: group insurance that entitles members to services of participating hospitals and clinics and physicians.
Pentathlon: an athletic contest consisting of five different events.
Dope: take drugs to improve one`s athletic performance.
Court Game: an athletic game played on a court.