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خم دار : Kham Dar Meaning in English

Kham Dar Synonyms


Kham Dar in Detail

1 of 6) محراب نما خم دار : Arced Arched Arching Arciform Arcuate Bowed : (satellite adjective) forming or resembling an arch.

2 of 6) بل دار خم دار : Anfractuous : (satellite adjective) full of twists and turns.

3 of 6) خم دار دبا ہوا : Droop Flag Sag Swag : (verb) droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness.

4 of 6) خم دار مڑا ہوا : Curved Curving : (adjective) having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend.

5 of 6) خم دار مڑا ہوا : Curvey Curvy : (satellite adjective) having curves.

6 of 6) ٹیڑھا خمدار خم دار : Bend Curve : (noun) curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.).

Useful Words

محراب : Arch : a curved shape in the vertical plane that spans an opening.

پیٹ بھرا : Full : filled to satisfaction with food or drink. "But i am full".

پلٹنا : Turn : cause to move around a center so as to show another side of. "He turned the issue".

چوٹی : Braid : a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair. "She still has a long braid".

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