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لاگو ہونا : Lagu Hona Meaning in English

Lagu Hona Sentences

Lagu Hona Synonyms


Lagu Hona in Detail

1 of 3) لاگو ہونا : Apply Go For Hold : (verb) be pertinent or relevant or applicable.

2 of 3) موثر ہونا لاگو ہونا : Hold Obtain Prevail : (verb) be valid, applicable, or true.

3 of 3) لاگو ہونا : Stand : (verb) be in effect; be or remain in force.

Useful Words

قابل اطلاق : Applicable : capable of being applied; having relevance. "Gave applicable examples to support her argument".

عین متعلق : Pertinent : having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand. "A list of articles pertinent to the discussion".

متعلقہ : Relevant : having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue. "The scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research".

سچ : True : consistent with fact or reality; not false. "It might be true".

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