لطیف : Latif Meaning in English
Latif Synonyms
Latif in Detail
1 of 4) لطیف ہمدردانہ مشفقانہ : Benevolent Charitable Good-Hearted Kindly Large-Hearted Openhearted Sympathetic : (satellite adjective) showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity.
2 of 4) لطیف : Favorable Favourable : (adjective) encouraging or approving or pleasing.
3 of 4) مہربان لطیف خوش خلق : Complaisant Obliging : (satellite adjective) showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others.
4 of 4) کرم کرنے والا لطیف : Genial Kind : (satellite adjective) agreeable, conducive to comfort.
Useful Words
اقراری : Affirmative : expressing or manifesting praise or approval. "Approbative criticism".
سخاوت : Generosity : the trait of being willing to give your money or time. "We adore him for his generosity".
متحرک : Motivated : provided with a motive or given incentive for action. "A highly motivated child can learn almost anything".
اطمینان بخشنا : Pleasing : giving pleasure and satisfaction. "A pleasing piece of news".
فلم کی نمائش : Screening : the display of a motion picture. "Latest screening movies 2023".
ہم دردی : Sympathy : an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion. "I have sympathy for you".
سمجھ بوجھ : Apprehension : the cognitive condition of someone who understands. "He has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect".