Love Story meaning in Urdu
Love Story Synonym
Love Story Definitions
1) Love Story, Romance : پریم کہانی : (noun) a story dealing with love.
Useful Words
Agape : روحانی محبت , Bereft : محبت میں ناکام , Amorist : عاشق مزاج , Amatory : محبت بھرا , Narrator : کہانی سنانے والا , Adventure Story : بہادری کا قصہ , Spin : کہانی لکھنا یا سنانا , Lesson : سبق , Gag Line : کسی لطیفے کا مزاحیہ حصہ , Bungalow : ایک منزلہ چھوٹا سا مکان , Lead : اہم خبر , Narrative : قصے پر مبنی , Plot : کہانی , Ranch House : باڑہ , Allegory : نظیر , Fable : قصہ , Thriller : تجسس خیز کہانی , Concoction : من گھڑت , Shed : چھجا , Cock-And-Bull Story : بناوٹی قصہ , Novel : ناول , Mystery : کوئی ناول یا ڈراما جو جرائم کی تفتیش کے سلسلے میں ہو , Distort : توڑ مروڑ کر پیش کرنا , Cartoon Strip : کارٹون کہانی , Ballet : گروہی رقص , Character : خیالی کردار , Sob Story : ہمدردی پیدا کرنے والی جذباتی کہانی , Ilu : میں تم سے پیار کرتا ہوں , Loveless : بے محبت , Adore : اتہائی محبت کرنا , Ll : محبت کا خط
Useful Words Definitions
Agape: selfless love of one person for another (especially love that is spiritual in nature).
Bereft: unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love.
Amorist: one dedicated to love and lovemaking especially one who writes about love.
Amatory: expressive of or exciting love or romance.
Narrator: someone who tells a story.
Adventure Story: a story of an adventure.
Spin: make up a story.
Lesson: the significance of a story or event.
Gag Line: the point of a joke or humorous story.
Bungalow: a small house with a single story.
Lead: a news story of major importance.
Narrative: consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story.
Plot: the story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc.
Ranch House: a one story house with a low pitched roof.
Allegory: a short moral story (often with animal characters).
Fable: a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events.
Thriller: a suspenseful adventure story or play or movie.
Concoction: the invention of a scheme or story to suit some purpose.
Shed: an outbuilding with a single story; used for shelter or storage.
Cock-And-Bull Story: an interesting but highly implausible story; often told as an excuse.
Novel: an extended fictional work in prose; usually in the form of a story.
Mystery: a story about a crime (usually murder) presented as a novel or play or movie.
Distort: make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story.
Cartoon Strip: a sequence of drawings telling a story in a newspaper or comic book.
Ballet: a theatrical representation of a story that is performed to music by trained dancers.
Character: an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play or film or story).
Sob Story: a sentimental story (or drama) of personal distress; designed to arouse sympathy.
Ilu: I Love You.
Loveless: without love.
Adore: love intensely.
Ll: Love Letter.