مدد : Madad Meaning in English
Madad Synonyms
Madad in Detail
1 of 3) سہارا تعاون اعانت : Aid Assist Assistance Help : (noun) the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose.
2 of 3) مدد تعاون : Hand Helping Hand : (noun) physical assistance.
3 of 3) مدد حوصلہ افزائی حوصلہ دلانا کا عمل : Boost Encouragement : (noun) the act of giving hope or support to someone.
Useful Words
سرگرمی : Action : the state of being active. "Avoid bad activities".
امداد : Aid : a resource. "Visual aids in teaching".
مدد گار : Conducive : tending to bring about; being partly responsible for. "Working conditions are not conducive to productivity".
اقدام : Attempt : earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something. "Made an effort to cover all the reading material".
فروغ : Advancement : encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something.
ضرورت ہونا : Ask : require as useful, just, or proper. "I saw an advert that you require a waiter, if you still have this vacancy so I can fill the void".
مادی : Physical : involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit. "Physical exercise".
ارادہ کرنا : Aim : propose or intend. "I aim to arrive at noon".