Magic Trick Magic Spell Magic Lantern Magic Maggoty Maggot Magenta Magdalen Magical Magical Spell Magically Magician Magisterial Magisterially Magistracy Magistrate Magistrature Magnanimity Magnanimous Magnanimously

Magical meaning in Urdu

Magical Sentence

A magical spell.

Magical Synonyms


Magical Definitions

1) Magical, Charming, Magic, Sorcerous, Witching, Wizard, Wizardly : جادو, جادوئی, طلسمی : (satellite adjective) possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers.

Useful Words

Witch Doctor : پیر , Fetich : جادو , Faerie : خیالی مخلوق , Bewitchment : سحر , As If By Magic : جادوئی انداز میں , Open Sesame : علی بابا کا منتر , Potion : رقیق دوا , Ritualism : رسوم پرستی , Charm : چھو منتر , Conjuration : شعبدہ بازی , Conjuration : جادو , Lycanthropy : خود کو بھیڑیا سمجھنا پاگل پن کی ایک قسم , Amulet : تعویذ , Black Art : کالا جادو , Magic : جادو , Senate : ایوان , Occultism : پرسرار چیزوں پر یقین رکھنا , Faith : یقین , Enchantment : منتر , Achilles : قدیم یونانی جنگجو , Charmingly : دلکشی سے , Winsome : دلکش , Belle : سب سے پیاری لڑکی , Heartbreaker : دل توڑنے والا , Magician : جادوگر , Conjurer : شعبدے باز , Arouse : جادو کے ذریعے کچھ کرنا , Becharm : جادو کرنا , Daemon : آسیب , Alive : زندہ , Swept : پیچھے کے جانب جھکا ہوا

Useful Words Definitions

Witch Doctor: someone who is believed to heal through magical powers.

Fetich: a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers.

Faerie: a small being, human in form, playful and having magical powers.

Bewitchment: a magical spell.

As If By Magic: in a magical manner.

Open Sesame: a magical command; used by Ali Baba.

Potion: a medicinal or magical or poisonous beverage.

Ritualism: the study of religious or magical rites and ceremonies.

Charm: a verbal formula believed to have magical force.

Conjuration: an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers.

Conjuration: a ritual recitation of words or sounds believed to have a magical effect.

Lycanthropy: (folklore) the magical ability of a person to assume the characteristics of a wolf.

Amulet: a trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease.

Black Art: the belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world.

Magic: any art that invokes supernatural powers.

Senate: assembly possessing high legislative powers.

Occultism: a belief in supernatural powers and the possibility of bringing them under human control.

Faith: a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny.

Enchantment: a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation.

Achilles: a mythical Greek hero of the Iliad; a foremost Greek warrior at the siege of Troy; when he was a baby his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river but the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable--his `Achilles` heel`.

Charmingly: in a charming manner.

Winsome: charming in a childlike or naive way.

Belle: a young woman who is the most charming and beautiful of several rivals.

Heartbreaker: a charming person who is irresponsible in emotional relationships.

Magician: one who practices magic or sorcery.

Conjurer: someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience.

Arouse: summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic.

Becharm: control by magic spells, as by practicing witchcraft.

Daemon: an evil supernatural being.

Alive: possessing life.

Swept: possessing sweep.

Magical in Book Titles

The Magical and Ritual Use of Perfumes.
Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community.
The Magical Effects of Color.

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