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مہارت : Maharat Meaning in English

Maharat Sentences

Maharat Synonyms


Maharat in Detail

1 of 10) اہلیت مہارت قابلیت : Accomplishment Acquirement Acquisition Attainment Skill : (noun) an ability that has been acquired by training.

2 of 10) ہنرمندی مہارت : Mastership : (noun) the skill of a master.

3 of 10) پھرتی تیزی ترنت : Adeptness Adroitness Deftness Facility Quickness : (noun) skillful performance or ability without difficulty.

4 of 10) چابکدستی مہارت چابک دستی : Dexterity Manual Dexterity Sleight : (noun) adroitness in using the hands.

5 of 10) مہارت سمجھ : Appreciation Grasp Hold : (noun) understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something.

6 of 10) مہارت ہوشیاری : Expertise Expertness : (noun) skillfulness by virtue of possessing special knowledge.

7 of 10) مہارت عبور دسترست : Command Control Mastery : (noun) great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity.

8 of 10) ماہر پیشہ ور کاریگری : Craft Craftsmanship Workmanship : (noun) skill in an occupation or trade.

9 of 10) مہارت کاریگری : Delicacy Diplomacy Discreetness Finesse : (noun) subtly skillful handling of a situation.

10 of 10) اہلیت مہارت قابلیت : Proficiency Technique : (noun) skillfulness in the command of fundamentals deriving from practice and familiarity.

Useful Words

صلاحیت : Ability : the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment. "We hired you because of your ability to design houses, but you already messed up the measurement in your first try to make a sketch of house".

کسی وجہ سے پڑنے والا اثر : Acquired : gotten through environmental forces. "Acquired characteristics (such as a suntan or a broken nose) cannot be passed on".

کسی کام میں مہارت ہونا : Get The Hang : be or become completely proficient or skilled in. "She mastered Japanese in less than two years".

کوئی کام کرنے میں مہارت ہونا : Science : ability to produce solutions in some problem domain. "The skill of a well-trained boxer".

تربیت : Grooming : activity leading to skilled behavior. "They are grooming".

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