MutawaziBarabariMumaslatHam GooniWahdaniatEk Honay Ki HalatFarqIkhtalafMamasalMawaznaFarq HonaTazadAdam IttefaqChootTafawutIkhtalaf NauAaza Ki Na Itte...Adam MushabihatMukhtalif Alnua...Judagangi

مماثل : Mamasal Meaning in English

Mamasal Synonyms


Mamasal in Detail

1 of 3) متوازی مماثل : Analog Analogue Parallel : (noun) something having the property of being analogous to something else.

2 of 3) مشابہ ملتا جلتا مماثل : Analogous Correspondent : (satellite adjective) similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar.

3 of 3) مماثل : Corresponding : (satellite adjective) similar especially in position or purpose.

Useful Words

ورنہ : Else : If not; otherwise. "What else?".

اثر یا اہمیت میں برابر : Equivalent : being essentially equal to something. "It was as good as gold".

بلحاظ دیگر : Otherwise : in other respects or ways. "He is otherwise normal".

ملکیت : Belongings : something owned; any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone. "Is it your father`s property ?".

عزت : Esteem : the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded). "You don`t deserve to be respected".

ہم صورت : Similar : marked by correspondence or resemblance. "Similar food at similar prices".

تھوڑا : Some : relatively much but unspecified in amount or extent. "May I have some words with you?".

کوئی چیز : Something : An undetermined or unspecified thing. "Lets have something".

اگرچہ : Though : (postpositive) however. "Even though".

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