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Meditative meaning in Urdu

Meditative Synonyms


Meditative Definitions

Useful Words

Meditatively : فکر مندی سے , Dark : بد مزاج , Contemplative : متفکر , Retrospectively : گزشتہ زمانے پر نظر ڈالتے ہوئے , Melancholy : غمگینی , Contemplation : غور و فکر , Attentive : توجہ دینے والا , Devout : دین دار , Embed : جمانا , Penetratingly : تیز فہمی سے , Disturb : پریشان کرنا , Neck-Deep : ڈوبا ہوا ہونا , Bound Up : مست , Bury : ڈالنا , Soundly : پوری طرح , Fast Asleep : گہری نیند میں سویا ہوا , Distraught : مخبوط الحواس , Chew Over : غور کرنا , Instinct : بھرا , Bemused : مدحوش , Engrave : نقش کرنا , Agitated : بے چین , Bong : بجنا , Shallow : ہلکا , Lacerate : دل آزاری کرنا , Flagitious : وحشیانہ , Well-Read : عالم , Nightmare : ڈراونا خواب , Astuteness : دانائی , Cogitate : غور و فکر کرنا , Poignance : شدت

Useful Words Definitions

Meditatively: in a meditative manner.

Dark: showing a brooding ill humor.

Contemplative: a person devoted to the contemplative life.

Retrospectively: in a manner contemplative of past events.

Melancholy: a feeling of thoughtful sadness.

Contemplation: a long and thoughtful observation.

Attentive: taking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention.

Devout: deeply religious.

Embed: fix or set securely or deeply.

Penetratingly: with ability to see into deeply.

Disturb: move deeply.

Neck-Deep: deeply involved.

Bound Up: deeply devoted to.

Bury: embed deeply.

Soundly: deeply or completely.

Fast Asleep: sleeping deeply.

Distraught: deeply agitated especially from emotion.

Chew Over: reflect deeply on a subject.

Instinct: (followed by `with')deeply filled or permeated.

Bemused: deeply absorbed in thought.

Engrave: impress or affect deeply.

Agitated: troubled emotionally and usually deeply.

Bong: ring loudly and deeply.

Shallow: not deep or strong; not affecting one deeply.

Lacerate: deeply hurt the feelings of; distress.

Flagitious: extremely wicked, deeply criminal.

Well-Read: well informed or deeply versed through reading.

Nightmare: a terrifying or deeply upsetting dream.

Astuteness: the intellectual ability to penetrate deeply into ideas.

Cogitate: consider carefully and deeply; reflect upon; turn over in one's mind.

Poignance: a state of deeply felt distress or sorrow.

Related Words

Thoughtful : غور و فکر کے ساتھ

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