Misplace Mispickel Misoneism Misology Misogyny Misogynist Misogynism Misogamy Misplaced Misplacement Misplay Misprint Mispronounce Mispronunciation Misquotation Misquote Misread Misreckoning Misremember Misrepresent

Misplaced meaning in Urdu

Misplaced Sentences

Misplaced tickets.
She was penalized for a spelling mistake or a misplaced accent.

Misplaced Synonym

Misplaced Definitions

1 of 2) Misplaced : بے محل : (satellite adjective) put in the wrong place or position.


2 of 2) Misplaced, Mislaid : کھویا ہوا : (satellite adjective) lost temporarily; as especially put in an unaccustomed or forgotten place.

Useful Words

Misplace : غلط جگہ رکھنا , Lead Astray : گمراہ کرنا , Action : قانونی کارروائی , Where : کہاں , Emplace : کسی جگہ رکھنا , Replace : ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ رکھنا , Upper : بالا تر , Winkle Out : ہٹانا , Outgoing : رخصت ہونے والا , Away : پرے , Place Down : کسی مناسب جگہ پر رکھنا , Continue : رہنا , Pin Down : پھنسانا , Apart : دور , Continue : جاری رکھنا , Back Door : خفیہ طریقے سے , Displace : چیز کو ایک جگہ سے ہٹانا , Disapprove : غلط سمجھنا , Atonement : کفارہ , Be Amiss : غلط سمجھنا , Misapplication : کسی چیز کا غلط استعمال , Evil : برا , Regret : افسوس , Amends : رشوت , Avenge : بدلہ لینا , Uncorrected : غیر اصلاح شدہ , Wrong : بری طرح پیش آنا , Misinterpretation : غلط تعبیر , Misdate : غلط تاریخ لگانا , Misguided : غلط , Incensed : ناراض

Useful Words Definitions

Misplace: place or position wrongly; put in the wrong position.

Lead Astray: lead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions.

Action: a judicial proceeding brought by one party against another; one party prosecutes another for a wrong done or for protection of a right or for prevention of a wrong.

Where: In or to what place or position .

Emplace: put into place or position.

Replace: take the place or move into the position of.

Upper: higher in place or position.

Winkle Out: force from a place or position.

Outgoing: leaving a place or a position.

Away: from a particular thing or place or position (`forth` is obsolete).

Place Down: cause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place.

Continue: continue in a place, position, or situation.

Pin Down: place in a confining or embarrassing position.

Apart: separated or at a distance in place or position or time.

Continue: allow to remain in a place or position or maintain a property or feature.

Back Door: a secret or underhand means of access (to a place or a position).

Displace: cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense.

Disapprove: consider bad or wrong.

Atonement: compensation for a wrong.

Be Amiss: interpret in the wrong way.

Misapplication: wrong use or application.

Evil: morally bad or wrong.

Regret: sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment.

Amends: something done or paid in expiation of a wrong.

Avenge: take revenge for a perceived wrong.

Uncorrected: left faulty or wrong.

Wrong: treat unjustly; do wrong to.

Misinterpretation: putting the wrong interpretation on.

Misdate: assign the wrong date to.

Misguided: wrong in e.g. opinion or judgment.

Incensed: angered at something unjust or wrong.

Related Words

Lost : گم شدہ
