Ek Zaban Ki Dus...Mahir Amraz Bat...Bain Alaqwamiya...Tibbi Tajurba H...Darmiani AadmiBahami Guftagu ...Ghar Sanwarnay ...Khufiya Malumat...MutarjimInterview Karna...Guftagu Karnay ...Dakhal Dene WalaGusnay WalaChadhai Karnay ...Bimari ShakhsMazoor ShakhsBatil Qarar Den...Eijad Karnay WalaTafteesh KunandaBima Kar

مُترجِم : Mutarjim Meaning in English

Mutarjim in Detail

1 of 2) مترجم ترجمان ترجمہ کرنے والا : Transcriber Translator : (noun) a person who translates written messages from one language to another.


Useful Words

کسی اور : Another : any of various alternatives; some other. "Another day off".

زبان : Language : a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols. "I speak in your language".

پیغام بھیجنا : Message : send a message to. "She messaged the committee".

ایک : 1 : the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number. "He has the one but will need a two and three to go with it".

شخص : Individual : a human being. "Every individual was gone through corona test before passing the immigration".

ترجمہ کرنا : Interpret : restate (words) from one language into another language. "I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the US".

لکھا ہوا : Written : set down in writing in any of various ways. "Miss, what is written here?".

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