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نوچنا : Nochna Meaning in English

Nochna Sentences

Nochna Synonyms


Nochna in Detail

1 of 2) نوچنا : Tweak : (verb) pinch or squeeze sharply.

2 of 2) نوچنا : Nip Pinch Squeeze Tweet Twinge Twitch : (verb) squeeze tightly between the fingers.

Useful Words

درمیان : Between : in the interval. "They rest betwixt".

انگلی : Finger : any of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes excepting the thumb). "I had stitches in my finger".

چٹکی : Pinch : a squeeze with the fingers. "Put a pinch of salt".

تیزی سے : Aggressively : in an aggressive manner. "The inspector advised constables that be careful when you approach the thief because he carries weapon and he may react aggressively after seeing the police".

دبانا : Crush : to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition. "Crush an aluminum can".

کسا ہوا : Tightly : in a tight or constricted manner. "A tightly packed pub".

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