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Nourishing meaning in Urdu

Nourishing Sentence

Good nourishing stew.

Nourishing Synonyms


Nourishing Definitions

Useful Words

Nourishment : غذا؛ پرورش؛ غذائیت , Square Meal : جی بھر کھانا , Nutritiousness : غذائیت , Nutrition : غذائیت , Aliment : خوراک دینا , Nourish : کھلا پلا کر بڑا کرنا , Eater : کھانے والا , Malnourished : ناکافی خوراک پانے والا , Alimentation : خوراک دینے کا عمل , Holophytic : اپنی غذا خود بنانے والا , Heterotrophic : دوسری مخلوق کھانے والا , Food : کھانا , Colicky : گیس کی بیماری سے متاثر , Enteron : آنت , Holozoic : غذا ہضم کرنے والا , Bowel : آنت , Hindgut : جانور کی پچھلی آنت , Peptic Ulcer : زخم ہاضم , Digestible : قابل ہضم , Milk : دودھ , Breadbasket : معدہ , Absolvitory : درگزر کرنے والا , Electrification : بجلی پہنچانے کا عمل , Benevolent : سخی , Grant : مراعت دینے کا عمل , Educational : معلومات حاصل کرنا , Blow-By-Blow : تفصیل کے ساتھ , Provident : کفایت شعار , Backing : تائید , Bare : بے سایہ , Provision : فراہمی

Useful Words Definitions

Nourishment: the act of nourishing.

Square Meal: a substantial and nourishing meal.

Nutritiousness: the quality of being nourishing and promoting healthy growth.

Nutrition: (physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished; the processes by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and maintenance.

Aliment: give nourishment to.

Nourish: provide with nourishment.

Eater: someone who consumes food for nourishment.

Malnourished: not being provided with adequate nourishment.

Alimentation: the act of supplying food and nourishment.

Holophytic: obtaining nourishment as green plants do.

Heterotrophic: requiring organic compounds of carbon and nitrogen for nourishment.

Food: any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.

Colicky: suffering from excessive gas in the alimentary canal.

Enteron: the alimentary canal (especially of an embryo or a coelenterate).

Holozoic: obtaining nourishment as animals do by ingesting complex organic matter.

Bowel: the part of the alimentary canal starts from the stomach.

Hindgut: the caudal part of the alimentary canal in vertebrate embryos.

Peptic Ulcer: an ulcer of the mucous membrane lining of the alimentary tract.

Digestible: capable of being converted into assimilable condition in the alimentary canal.

Milk: white, nutritious liquid produced by mammals, serving as nourishment for human infants.

Breadbasket: an enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal; the principal organ of digestion.

Absolvitory: providing absolution.

Electrification: the act of providing electricity.

Benevolent: generous in providing aid to others.

Grant: the act of providing a subsidy.

Educational: providing knowledge.

Blow-By-Blow: providing great detail.

Provident: providing carefully for the future.

Backing: the act of providing approval and support.

Bare: providing no shelter or sustenance.

Provision: the activity of supplying or providing something.

Related Words

Wholesome : صحت بخش

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