Officially meaning in Urdu
Officially Sentence
Officially Synonym
Officially Definitions
1 of 2) Officially : سرکاری, دفتری : (adverb) in an official role.
Officially responsible.
2 of 2) Officially, Formally : اختیار کے ساتھ : (adverb) with official authorization.
Useful Words
Annul : واپس لینا , Inaugurate : کھیل شروع کرنا , Registered : درج شدہ , Announce : اعلان کرنا , Informal : غیر سرکاری , Approbate : منظوری دینا , Institutionalised : داخل شدہ , Accept : لے لینا , Appraiser : تخمینہ لگانے والا , Russia : روس , Abrogate : منسوخ کرنا , Censure : مذمت کرنا , Present : دے دینا , Convene : اجلاس کرنا , Pledge : عہد , Encomiastic : خوشامدانہ , Affiliation : عمل الحاق , Eulogise : ستائش کرنا , Regret : معذرت کرنا , Group Meeting : اجلاس , Indict : جرم کا الزام لگانا , School : مکتبی تعلیم , Enrol : فہرست میں اندراج کرنا , Discourse : تقریر کرنا , Intro : کسی شخص کا تعارف کرانا , Divorce : طلاق ہونا , Abdicator : عہدہ چھوڑنے والا , Interview : انٹرویو کرنا , Inaugurate : افتتاح کرنا , Affirm : قسم کھانا , Appear : حاضر ہونا
Useful Words Definitions
Annul: cancel officially.
Inaugurate: commence officially.
Registered: listed or recorded officially.
Announce: announce publicly or officially.
Informal: not officially recognized or controlled.
Approbate: approve or sanction officially.
Institutionalised: officially placed in or committed to a specialized institution.
Accept: receive (a report) officially, as from a committee.
Appraiser: someone who estimates officially the worth or value or quality of things.
Russia: a former communist country in eastern Europe and northern Asia; established in 1922; included Russia and 14 other soviet socialist republics (Ukraine and Byelorussia and others); officially dissolved 31 December 1991.
Abrogate: revoke formally.
Censure: rebuke formally.
Present: hand over formally.
Convene: meet formally.
Pledge: promise solemnly and formally.
Encomiastic: formally expressing praise.
Affiliation: the act of becoming formally connected or joined.
Eulogise: praise formally and eloquently.
Regret: decline formally or politely.
Group Meeting: a formally arranged gathering.
Indict: accuse formally of a crime.
School: the process of being formally educated at a school.
Enrol: register formally as a participant or member.
Discourse: talk at length and formally about a topic.
Intro: formally making a person known to another or to the public.
Divorce: get a divorce; formally terminate a marriage.
Abdicator: one who formally relinquishes an office or responsibility.
Interview: discuss formally with (somebody) for the purpose of an evaluation.
Inaugurate: open ceremoniously or dedicate formally.
Affirm: to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true.
Appear: present oneself formally, as before a (judicial) authority.