Officialdom Official Emissary Official Document Official Officer Officeholder Office Furniture Office Building Officially Officiant Officiate Officiating Officiation Officious Officiousness Offing Offish Offload Offprint Offsaddle

Officially meaning in Urdu

Officially Sentence

Officially, he is in charge.

Officially Synonym


Officially Definitions

1 of 2) Officially : سرکاری, دفتری : (adverb) in an official role.

Officially responsible.

2 of 2) Officially, Formally : اختیار کے ساتھ : (adverb) with official authorization.

Useful Words

Annul : واپس لینا , Inaugurate : کھیل شروع کرنا , Registered : درج شدہ , Announce : اعلان کرنا , Informal : غیر سرکاری , Approbate : منظوری دینا , Institutionalised : داخل شدہ , Accept : لے لینا , Appraiser : تخمینہ لگانے والا , Russia : روس , Abrogate : منسوخ کرنا , Censure : مذمت کرنا , Present : دے دینا , Convene : اجلاس کرنا , Pledge : عہد , Encomiastic : خوشامدانہ , Affiliation : عمل الحاق , Eulogise : ستائش کرنا , Regret : معذرت کرنا , Group Meeting : اجلاس , Indict : جرم کا الزام لگانا , School : مکتبی تعلیم , Enrol : فہرست میں اندراج کرنا , Discourse : تقریر کرنا , Intro : کسی شخص کا تعارف کرانا , Divorce : طلاق ہونا , Abdicator : عہدہ چھوڑنے والا , Interview : انٹرویو کرنا , Inaugurate : افتتاح کرنا , Affirm : قسم کھانا , Appear : حاضر ہونا

Useful Words Definitions

Annul: cancel officially.

Inaugurate: commence officially.

Registered: listed or recorded officially.

Announce: announce publicly or officially.

Informal: not officially recognized or controlled.

Approbate: approve or sanction officially.

Institutionalised: officially placed in or committed to a specialized institution.

Accept: receive (a report) officially, as from a committee.

Appraiser: someone who estimates officially the worth or value or quality of things.

Russia: a former communist country in eastern Europe and northern Asia; established in 1922; included Russia and 14 other soviet socialist republics (Ukraine and Byelorussia and others); officially dissolved 31 December 1991.

Abrogate: revoke formally.

Censure: rebuke formally.

Present: hand over formally.

Convene: meet formally.

Pledge: promise solemnly and formally.

Encomiastic: formally expressing praise.

Affiliation: the act of becoming formally connected or joined.

Eulogise: praise formally and eloquently.

Regret: decline formally or politely.

Group Meeting: a formally arranged gathering.

Indict: accuse formally of a crime.

School: the process of being formally educated at a school.

Enrol: register formally as a participant or member.

Discourse: talk at length and formally about a topic.

Intro: formally making a person known to another or to the public.

Divorce: get a divorce; formally terminate a marriage.

Abdicator: one who formally relinquishes an office or responsibility.

Interview: discuss formally with (somebody) for the purpose of an evaluation.

Inaugurate: open ceremoniously or dedicate formally.

Affirm: to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true.

Appear: present oneself formally, as before a (judicial) authority.

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