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پاگل پن : Pagal Pan Meaning in English

Pagal Pan Sentence

Pagal Pan Synonyms


Pagal Pan in Detail

1 of 4) پاگل پن دیوانگی : Insanity : (noun) relatively permanent disorder of the mind.

2 of 4) پاگل پن دیوانہ وار : Frantically Madly : (adverb) in an uncontrolled manner.

3 of 4) پاگل پن خبط پن : Craziness Daftness Flakiness : (noun) informal terms for insanity.

4 of 4) انتہائی جذباتی پاگل پن : Abandon Wildness : (noun) a feeling of extreme emotional intensity.

Useful Words

پریشان ہونا : Cark : disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed. "She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill".

ڈھنگ : Manner : a way of acting or behaving. "They don`t have any manners to speak ?".

برا منانا : Mind : be offended or bothered by; take offense with, be bothered by. "Didn`t you mind ?".

مستحکم : Lasting : continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place. "Nothing is permanent, everything will be perished".

نسبتاً : Comparatively : in a relative manner; by comparison to something else. "She was comparatively better than him".

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