پہوہڑ پن سے : Phohar Pan Se Meaning in English
Phohar Pan Se Synonyms
Phohar Pan Se in Detail
1 of 3) پہوہڑ پن سے : Blowsy Blowzy Slatternly Sluttish : (satellite adjective) characteristic of or befitting a slut or slattern; used especially of women.
2 of 3) بے ترتیبی سے پیچیدگی بہوہڑ پن سے : Messily Untidily : (adverb) in a messy, untidy manner.
3 of 3) پھوہڑ پن سے بدلباسی کے ساتھ : Dowdily Frumpily Frumpishly : (adverb) in a dowdy unfashionable manner.
Useful Words
موزوں : Befitting : appropriate to. "Behavior befitting a father".
خصوصیت : Characteristic : feature commonly denotes a standout or unique attribute, trait, or property of a subject or individual. It may also point to a particular component or facet within a broader context, like a landscape feature, a cinematic feature film, or a magazine feature article. Features often serve as noteworthy, meaningful, or defining characteristics in the subject under consideration. "Whatsapp added new features last week".
خاص طور پر : Especially : to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common. "He was particularly fussy about spelling".
ڈھنگ : Manner : a way of acting or behaving. "They don`t have any manners to speak ?".
زانیہ : Adulteress : a woman adulterer. "She is a very fame adulteress of France".
بے ڈھنگ : Untidy : not neat and tidy. "Untidy hair".
متاثرہ شخص : Exploited : of persons; taken advantage of. "After going out of his way to help his friend get the job he felt not appreciated but used".