Slatternly meaning in Urdu
Slatternly Synonyms
Slatternly Definitions
1) Slatternly, Blowsy, Blowzy, Sluttish : پہوہڑ پن سے : (satellite adjective) characteristic of or befitting a slut or slattern; used especially of women.
Useful Words
Brotherlike : بھائی جیسا , Maidenlike : شرمیلی , Sisterlike : بہن کا سا , Uxorial : بیوی جیسی , Friendly : دوستانہ , Boyish : بچگانہ , Maternal : مادری , Girlish : لڑکیوں کی طرح , Filial : اولاد کو زیب دینے والا , Matronly : شادی شدہ عورت کے متعلق , Clannish : ادعا پسند , Slatternliness : پہوہڑ پن , Feminine : عورتوں کا , Unprofessional : غیر پیشہ ور , Hoydenism : لڑکیوں کی کسرت , Pregnanediol : پروجیسٹرون سے بولی اخراج پروڈکٹ , Unbefitting : نامناسب , August : شاندار , Daughterly : دخترانہ , Cousinly : عم زادانہ , Martial : عسکری , Unmanful : نامردانہ , Childlike : بچے کی طرح , Paradisaic : طیور فردوس , Manful : مردانہ , Ladylikeness : خاتون صفتی , Queenlike : ملکہ کی طرح , Civic : شہریوں سے متعلق , Kinglike : بادشاہ کی طرح , Beggarly : فقیرانہ , Statesmanlike : مدبرانہ
Useful Words Definitions
Brotherlike: like or characteristic of or befitting a brother.
Maidenlike: befitting or characteristic of a maiden.
Sisterlike: like or characteristic of or befitting a sister.
Uxorial: befitting or characteristic of a wife.
Friendly: characteristic of or befitting a friend.
Boyish: befitting or characteristic of a young boy.
Maternal: relating to or characteristic of or befitting a parent.
Girlish: befitting or characteristic of a young girl.
Filial: relating to or characteristic of or befitting an offspring.
Matronly: befitting or characteristic of a fully mature woman.
Clannish: befitting or characteristic of those who incline to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior.
Slatternliness: in the manner of a slattern.
Feminine: befitting or characteristic of a woman especially a mature woman.
Unprofessional: not characteristic of or befitting a profession or one engaged in a profession.
Hoydenism: masculinity in women (especially in girls and young women).
Pregnanediol: a compound found in women's urine during certain phases of the menstrual cycle and in the urine of pregnant women.
Unbefitting: not befitting.
August: of or befitting a lord.
Daughterly: befitting a daughter.
Cousinly: like or befitting a cousin.
Martial: (of persons) befitting a warrior.
Unmanful: not possessing qualities befitting a man.
Childlike: befitting a young child.
Paradisaic: relating to or befitting Paradise.
Manful: possessing qualities befitting a man.
Ladylikeness: behavior befitting a lady.
Queenlike: having the rank of or resembling or befitting a queen.
Civic: of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals.
Kinglike: having the rank of or resembling or befitting a king.
Beggarly: marked by poverty befitting a beggar.
Statesmanlike: marked by the qualities of or befitting a statesman.