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قابِل : Qabil Meaning in English

Qabil Synonyms


Qabil in Detail

1 of 8) قابل ذہین : Gifted Talented : (adjective) endowed with talent or talents.

2 of 8) مستحق ہونا اہل قابل : Deserved Merited : (adjective) properly deserved.

3 of 8) قابل : Able : (adjective) (usually followed by `to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something.

4 of 8) قابل اہل : Capable : (adjective) (usually followed by `of`) having capacity or ability.

5 of 8) اہل قابل : Competent : (adjective) properly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient.

6 of 8) قابل : Liable : (satellite adjective) subject to legal action.

7 of 8) کارگر موثر قابل : Effective Efficient : (satellite adjective) able to accomplish a purpose; functioning effectively.

8 of 8) قابل : Able : (satellite adjective) having inherent physical or mental ability or capacity.

Useful Words

موقوفہ : Endowed : provided or supplied or equipped with (especially as by inheritance or nature). "A well-endowed college".

مناسب طور پر : Decent : in the right manner. "Please do your job properly!".

قدرتی صلاحیت : Endowment : natural abilities or qualities.

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