Recompense meaning in Urdu
Recompense Synonyms
Recompense Definitions
1 of 4) Recompense : معاوضہ : (noun) payment or reward (as for service rendered).
2 of 4) Recompense, Compensate, Indemnify, Repair : تلافی کرنا : (verb) make amends for; pay compensation for.
3 of 4) Recompense, Compensation : تلافی کرنا, ہرجانہ دینا : (noun) the act of compensating for service or loss or injury.
4 of 4) Recompense, Compensate, Remunerate : معاوضہ دینا : (verb) make payment to; compensate.
Useful Words
Reward : جزا , Unremunerative : غیر فائدہ بخش , Pay : سزا بھگتنا , Payoff : صلہ دینا , Pay : سزا بھگتنا , Guerdon : معاوضہ , Bounty : انعام , Compensation : ہرجانہ , Service Charge : سروس چارج , Activated : چالو کیا ہوا , Rent : کرایہ , Debenture : کفالت نامہ تمسک , Trade : استعمال شدہ چیز کا تبادلہ , Countervail : تلافی کرنا , Recoup : تلافی کرنا , Launderette : خود سے کپڑے دہونے کی جگہ جہاں خود کار مشینیں لگی ہوں , Equalise : برابر کرنا , Serviceable : قابل خدمت , Carrot : اجر دینےکا وعدہ , Profitless : بے نفع , Deaf-Aid : آلہ سماعت , Meritable : قابل مستحق , Award : انعام دینا , Presentation : نمائش , Seasoned : تجربہ کار , Cobble : مرمت کرنا , Darn : کپڑے وغیرہ سینا , Labor Of Love : مفت کام کرنے کا عمل , Total : تباہ کر دینا , Backsheesh : معمولی سا انعام , Abatable Nuisance : پریشان کرنے والی شئے
Useful Words Definitions
Reward: payment made in return for a service rendered.
Unremunerative: not yielding profit or recompense.
Pay: bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action.
Payoff: a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing.
Pay: bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action.
Guerdon: a reward or payment.
Bounty: payment or reward (especially from a government) for acts such as catching criminals or killing predatory animals or enlisting in the military.
Compensation: something (such as money) given or received as payment or reparation (as for a service or loss or injury).
Service Charge: a percentage of a bill (as at a hotel or restaurant) added in payment for service.
Activated: rendered active; e.g. rendered radioactive or luminescent or photosensitive or conductive.
Rent: a payment or series of payments made by the lessee to an owner for use of some property, facility, equipment, or service.
Debenture: the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future.
Trade: turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase.
Countervail: compensate for or counterbalance.
Recoup: reimburse or compensate (someone), as for a loss.
Launderette: a self-service laundry (service mark Laundromat) where coin-operated washing machines are available to individual customers.
Equalise: compensate; make the score equal.
Serviceable: ready for service or able to give long service.
Carrot: promise of reward as in.
Profitless: without profit or reward.
Deaf-Aid: an electronic device that amplifies sound and is worn to compensate for poor hearing.
Meritable: deserving reward or praise.
Award: give, especially as an honor or reward.
Presentation: the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward).
Seasoned: rendered competent through trial and experience.
Cobble: repair or mend.
Darn: repair by sewing.
Labor Of Love: productive work performed voluntarily without material reward or compensation.
Total: damage beyond the point of repair.
Backsheesh: a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter).
Abatable Nuisance: a nuisance that can remedied (suppressed or extinguished or rendered harmless).
Related Words
Correction : تصحیح , Adjustment : جمع خرچ , Payment : ادائیگی
Recompense in Book Titles
The Mothers Recompense.
Far from Adequate Recompense.