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Red Cent meaning in Urdu

Red Cent Synonyms


Red Cent Definitions

1) Red Cent, Damn, Darn, Hoot, Shit, Shucks, Tinker's Dam, Tinker's Damn : دو ٹکے کا : (noun) any cheap thing with bit value.

Useful Words

24-Karat Gold : چوبیس قراط کا سونا , 22-Karat Gold : بائیس قراط کا سونا , 18-Karat Gold : جس میں 75 % سونا ہو , Anti-Personnel Bomb : ایک قسم کا بم , Rubbishy : فضول , Cheapjack : بھدا , Tinsel : بھڑکیلا , Gaudery : دکھاوا , Stinker : بدبو دار , Barrelhouse : سستا ڈانس کلب , Cheapness : گھٹیا پن , Bangle : کڑھائی , Dive : گھٹیا نائٹ کلب , Newspaper : اخبار کا کاغذ , Brasserie : چھوٹا ریستوران , Chipboard : ہارڈ بورڈ , Any : کوئی , Bit : بوٹی , Bum : گھٹیا , Thing : بات , Value : قدر

Useful Words Definitions

24-Karat Gold: 100 per cent gold.

22-Karat Gold: an alloy that contains 87 per cent gold.

18-Karat Gold: an alloy that contains 75 per cent gold.

Anti-Personnel Bomb: a bomb with only 10 to 20 per cent explosive and the remainder consisting of casings designed to break into many small high-velocity fragments; most effective against troops and vehicles.

Rubbishy: cheap and inferior; of no value.

Cheapjack: cheap and shoddy.

Tinsel: impart a cheap brightness to.

Gaudery: cheap or pretentious or vain display.

Stinker: anything that gives off an offensive odor (especially a cheap cigar).

Barrelhouse: a cheap drinking and dancing establishment.

Cheapness: tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgar.

Bangle: cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing.

Dive: a cheap disreputable nightclub or dance hall.

Newspaper: cheap paper made from wood pulp and used for printing newspapers.

Brasserie: a small restaurant serving beer and wine as well as food; usually cheap.

Chipboard: a cheap hard material made from wood chips that are pressed together and bound with synthetic resin.

Any: to any degree or extent.

Bit: a small fragment.

Bum: of very poor quality; flimsy.

Thing: a statement regarded as an object.

Value: a numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed.

Related Words

Ineptitude : ناقابلیت

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