Role Player meaning in Urdu
Role Player Synonyms
Role Player Definitions
1 of 2) Role Player, Fake, Faker, Fraud, Imposter, Impostor, Pretender, Pseud, Pseudo, Sham, Shammer : دغا باز, بہروپیہ : (noun) a person who makes deceitful pretenses.
2 of 2) Role Player, Actor, Histrion, Player, Thespian : تھیٹر فنکار : (noun) a theatrical performer.
Useful Words
Anonym : جعلی نام , Cheat : دھوکہ دینا , Reenactor : ماضی کے واقعہ کو اداکاری کے ذریعے دوبارہ پیش کرنے والا اداکار , Eye Contact : آنکھ مٹکا , Spin The Bottle : بوتل گھمانے کا ایک کھیل , Boodle : تاش جوئے کا ایک کھیل , Godmother : بچے کی کفالت کی ذمہ داری قبول کرنے والی عورت , Recast : نئی شکل دینا , Officially : سرکاری , Act : کردار ادا کرنا , Underact : زیر کرداری کرنا , Audition : آزمائشی کارکردگی , Heavy : سنجیدہ رول , Movie Actor : فلم میں کردار ادا کرنے والا فنکار , Groom : تربیت دینا , Function : کردار ادا کرنا , Acting : اداکاری , Lead : اہم ترین کردار ادا کرنے والا , Centrally : بیچوں بیچ , Leading Man : بڑا مرکزی مردانہ کردار ادا کرنے والا اداکار , Leading Lady : بڑا مرکزی زنانہ کردار ادا کرنے والی اداکارہ , Reenactment : ماضی کے واقعہ کو اداکاری کے ذریعے دوبارہ پیش کرنے کا عمل , Second Banana : ثانوی کردار ادا کرنے والا , Emote : جذباتی اداکاری کرنا , Prepare : تربیت حاصل کرنا , Lip : لب , Ingenue : کسی ڈرامے میں کوئی لڑکی ایک معصوم لڑکی کا کردار پیش کرے , Active Citizen : متحرک شہری , Agent : فاعل , Molecular Biology : سالماتی حیاتیات , Locative : گرامر کا اصول
Useful Words Definitions
Anonym: a fictitious name used when the person performs a particular social role.
Cheat: engage in deceitful behavior; practice trickery or fraud.
Reenactor: a person who enacts a role in an event that occurred earlier.
Eye Contact: eye contact is the act of looking directly into another person`s eyes during communication. It is often used to convey interest, attention, confidence, or other emotions, and plays a crucial role in social interaction.
Spin The Bottle: a game in which a player spins a bottle and kisses the person that it points to when it stops spinning.
Boodle: a gambling card game in which chips are placed on the ace and king and queen and jack of separate suits (taken from a separate deck); a player plays the lowest card of a suit in his hand and successively higher cards are played until the sequence stops; the player who plays a card matching one in the layout wins all the chips on that card.
Godmother: a female person who is chosen to be the guardian or protector of a child, usually during a baptism or a similar ceremony in some cultures. The godmother often plays a special role in the child`s life and may offer guidance, support, and love throughout their upbringing.
Recast: cast again, in a different role.
Officially: in an official role.
Act: play a role or part.
Underact: act (a role) with great restraint.
Audition: perform in order to get a role.
Heavy: a serious (or tragic) role in a play.
Movie Actor: an actor who plays a role in a film.
Groom: educate for a future role or function.
Function: serve a purpose, role, or function.
Acting: the performance of a part or role in a drama.
Lead: an actor who plays a principal role.
Centrally: in or near or toward a center or according to a central role or function.
Leading Man: actor who plays the leading male role.
Leading Lady: actress who plays the leading female role.
Reenactment: performing a role in an event that occurred at an earlier time.
Second Banana: someone who serves in a subordinate capacity or plays a secondary role.
Emote: give expression or emotion to, in a stage or movie role.
Prepare: undergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession.
Lip: either of two fleshy folds of tissue that surround the mouth and play a role in speaking.
Ingenue: an actress who specializes in playing the role of an artless innocent young girl.
Active Citizen: a citizen who takes an active role in the community (as in crime prevention and neighborhood watch).
Agent: the semantic role of the animate entity that instigates or causes the happening denoted by the verb in the clause.
Molecular Biology: the branch of biology that studies the structure and activity of macromolecules essential to life (and especially with their genetic role).
Locative: the semantic role of the noun phrase that designates the place of the state or action denoted by the verb.
Related Words
Actress : عورت فنکار , Comedian : مزاحیہ اداکار , Beguiler : دھوکے باز , Mime : خاموش اداکار , Performer : اداکار
Role Player in Book Titles
107 Ways To Be a Better Role Player.